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Wikim, renforcer la cohésion sociale par l'apprentissage culturel et linguistique

The Wikim project aims to improve social cohesion by facilitating the social andprofessional integration of migrants in the partner countries (France, Spain, Germanyand Belgium) by adapting language training in the following ways:- training trainers so they can better integrate cultural differences,- providing a training environment to manage individual learning paths (this environmentinvolves the immigrants themselves),- facilitating training content adapted to the needs of the different cultures and localcontexts of the host regions.To achieve this aim, the Wikim project will produce:- a progressive tool for positioning and learning languages, accessible online with a freeoperating licence,- a methodological guide to building content training by the beneficiaries,- a trainer-training module on intercultural communication,- a methodological guide to setting up a sponsorship network to help immigrants tointegrate and volunteers to share their experience with the new arrivals.Focus groups will bring together migrants, trainers and volunteers from civil society inthe four countries involved to help them create and experience new links betweenculture and education to assist immigrants in their integration. These groups willfacilitate exchanges of experience for the mutual benefit of all and help transformeveryday personal or professional situations into language learning opportunities.

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