Search for European Projects

Who are you, Europe? - A Theatre Exchange
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“Who are you, Europe? - A Theatre Exchange“ From March 14th to March 21st 2015, 25 people aged 18 to 30 years are coming together in Dresden, Germany. During one week, they are developing their own play, from writing the texts to staging, being given advice when needed. The topic “Who are you, Europe?” invites every single participant to think about his personal understanding of this big word Europe and all its meanings and facets. Asking “Who are you, Europe?” is also asking “What do I want to change on you, of what significance are you for me?” Different personalities from different countries will find different answers to these questions, coming from Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Romania and Slovakia. Besides a meeting with actors and a guided tour in Dresden, every evening one group of participants will have the opportunity to present their home country to the others. Theatre lives on gestures and facial expressions. What one cannot say in a certain language, one can say in body language and so, in theatre, communication does not stop where one can’t find the words. In the end, there will not just be a new play, but also new friendships. The cultural exchange through the encounter of youth from five countries helps getting rid of prejudices as well as changing ones perspective from time to time.

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