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What`s cooking? - Ein Fachaustausch zum nachhaltigen und ökologischen Kochen und Hauswirtschaften
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "What`s cooking – A vocational exchange for sustainable and ecological cooking and home economics" is an inclusive, vocational youth project for 32 young people from Germany, Poland, Romania and the Czech Republic. Background: The project is located at the interface between vocational training, inclusive teaching and transcultural mobility: The goal is holistic empowerment of disadvantaged and disabled young people and to foster equal participation in their working life as well as in society. Thus, the project is directly related to the objective of the EU Youth Strategy to provide more and equal opportunities for young people in education and in the job market. In terms of a transcultural professional qualification the project promotes furthermore the key skill to be active and responsible on an international level. The young people are getting interested in language learning and other mobile learning and work experiences. In addition, a positive understanding of diversity and European cohesion is conveyed and actively promoted by the elimination of prejudice. By focusing on a sustainable and ecological way of cooking and home economics, the young people are sensitized for these issues and receive future-oriented competencies. Goals: • Smooth transitions into vocations in the sphere of gastronomy / home economics • Promote employability through empowerment: strengthening the young people in their career planning through practical experiences of success and new learning experiences • Promote international decision-making and responsibility competence of disadvantaged and disabled young people through the integration of these target groups in the international youth exchange • Sensitize for sustainability and ecology in nutrition and home economics • Create transcultural encounters to encourage teamwork, participation and democratic decision-making processes • Promote diversity as an opportunity Project Implementation: The youth exchange will take place from 19th to 25th of April 2015 in the International Youth Meeting place in Kreisau / Krzyżowa. The preparatory meeting will take place from 6th to 8th of March 2015. Number and Profile of the Participants: The youth exchange will bring together 8 young people aged 16-20 years (in individual cases older) from each country - Germany, Poland, Romania and the Czech Republic. These young people undertake a vocational training in gastronomy or home economics or are interested in such a training. They can come from socially disadvantaged backgrounds and / or have disabilities. The goal is participation of young people with diverse backgrounds. Achievements, Impacts and long-term Benefits: The project makes inclusive vocational education possible and will be a formative step in the biographies of all participants. Therefore, the multiplier effect is guaranteed. The action-oriented and open-ended pedagogical approach will motivate the participants to take their professional future into their own hands. The outcome will be documented in a film that will be made accessible to a broad public.
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