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Welcome - Languages for Hospitality

Welcome – Languages for Hospitality, an LLP Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project, brings together specialised VET partners from four different countries – Portugal, Spain, France and Ireland – specialised in language learning and with close links to the hospitality sector. The project aims to make a major contribution, in an entirely practical sense, towards economic development by creating a vocationally-oriented language learning platform for two fundamentally important areas of the hospitality sector, a sector which is considered to be a pillar of the national economy and a crucial factor of economic recovery in all four partner countries.Although the quality of hospitality is clearly and indissolubly linked to language competence, this project’s target groups – front office staff in hotels and restaurants – tend to have a lower level of language skills than other colleagues in the sector, for example staff at travel agencies. It is also clear that the working timetables traditionally associated with these professions do not always facilitate the participation of its professionals in more traditional forms of language training, such as on-site learning, which usually implies a fixed class timetable. For these reasons, this project takes advantage of the innovation produced under a previous Leonardo Language Competence project, also coordinated by Centro Europeu de Línguas, to produce an e-learning A2-B1 level platform that can be used either autonomously or with the support and monitoring of a language teacher, only a click or skype away, thus removing geographical or timetable restrictions to learning. Welcome – Languages for Hospitality will help both existing professionals and those in training to improve their language skills in professionally relevant situations. In so doing, it contributes towards improving the level of quality of service in the hospitality sector, a fundamentally important economic sector for all the countries involved in this project.

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6 Partners Participants