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Weiterbildung im grundschulspezifischen Unterricht zu BNE und Projektunterricht
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Due to a lot of age related retirements we have quite a few new, young teachers in our Primary school who have been educated for Gymnasium and/or secondary school. They are sometimes struggeling with the special needs of primary education. At the same time our nursery teachers in the Out -Of -School-Care -Centre have to help and co-teach in the mixed aged first classes of our school to support the teachers there, as this form of education needs small groups and more differentiation. To help them cope with the new tasks we would like to offer jobshadowing training in some of our partner schools from our Erasmus+ Project. The new colleagues will have a look at other European schools and how they handle certain topics: cross curricular teaching from class 1 to 9, ecological and sustainable topics in science and other subjects, CLiL as a method for learning a foreign language from the beginning, curriculum and organisation of teaching all ages and abilities together. We also like to send some colleagues to international conferences dealing with new methods and technologies in education. All participants will announce their interest and will be chosen by the colleagues and the head teacher . They will be bound to prepare a teaching project for the host school and give a written report and evaluation about their stay. After having come back they will inform all relevant commitees in our school about their training. They will arrange a project in their own classes with some results of their training, for instance a CLiL unit in teaching English or the like. At the end of the period all participants will prepare a "Study Day" for all teachers and interested people where they present and work on their projects, results and new aspects of teaching in primary school. In the long run we will encourage the participants to work in the commitee for enhancing the curriculum with the new ideas, methods and topics they have experienced.

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