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"We Have The Right For Freedom"
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

European Youth Parliament in Lithuania (EYP Lithuania), Kaunas regional session EYP Lithuania Kaunas regional session is organized to stimulate cities and its borough populations interest in European Union, desire to look for the most efficient way to solve relevant problems for EU. 60 young people will be debating, sharing knowledge and experience with EU and its policy, will have a chance to meet experts, decision makers and express next generations’ opinion. Result of young people’s work a resolution will be created – a document with optional solutions for chosen problems. Resolutions will be written in committees, by principles of informal education, with democratic decision making approach. Evening programs consists of presentations of participants’ towns and villages customs, dishes, folk music (Eurovillage), young people will have an opportunity to show off their talents’ in the show called “Euroconcert”. Final event of the session – General Assembly(GA), during which the resolutions will be considered: speeches, that support the suggested solutions, debating, voting for or against. Activities are going to stimulate the public spirit of Europeans, develop various social skills, such as teamwork, debating, effective problem tackling, and promote internationality. After the session delegates are offered to take part in organizations work, participate in other sessions and be active young Europeans!

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