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We go on - connecting business potential across borders (Go on!)
Start date: Jun 30, 2015, End date: Oct 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There is a need of growth in the existing enterprises in order to contribute to the needed economical growth in the society and specificly to increase growth in the blue and green sector in the south Baltic. There is a potential for more female entrepreneurship because of the unequal proportion of woman and men in starting up and running a business. 35 % of all SME are founded by female entrepreneurs. It is necessary to use the business potential of women for the economical growth and for rural development in many areas of Europe as well as in the south Baltic. “At present the creative and business potential of women is the mostly effective potential for regional development. And it is necessary to lead this potential into the international market and the economical development“ said Danuta Hübner, at that time Commissioner for Regional Policy in EU at the Nordic Conference of Female Entrepreneurship and Regional Development in Stockholm in October 2007. Her opinion was that the active support of female entrepreneurs is a priority because of the smaller amount of female entrepreneurs that start and run their own businesses. In the rural areas of the south Baltic the mobilisation and support of small and smallest businesses are of particular importance as well as the provision of appropriate supportive measures for establishing networks and activating business potentials. For these entrepreneurs in the blue and green sector the project will be a support for an international development of their enterprises to make them more sustainable and competitive. There are a lot of “lone fighters“, who can secure their businesses by developing their potential for growth by cross border cooperation and affairs. More than 2 out of 3 entrepreneurs are working “alone”. The situation is about the same in all partner countries. Expected Results: The project will strengthen business potentials of women’s enterprises in the blue and green sectors over the borders by new knowledge about how to run the enterprises sustainable and competitive. To reach this aim, we will establish sustainable co-operations between the participating regions with information and business centers for women and other existing stuctures as contact points and multipliers that involve female entrepreneurs they are cooperating with. Female entrepreneurs will gain international experience and get enabled to develop cross-border co-operations that strengthen their market positions and will help them to reach the international market for their products.The project will use the existing structures to make the internationalisation more availible for the entrepreneurs. They will increse their presence on the international market. Trading beween companies can be a result as well as export.The project will fokus on 3 branches, as tourism like eco tourism and agricultural tourism, regional food and regional products creation.The work will lead to groups of joint marketing across borders focusing on the 3 branches. This needs specific tools the project will jointly specify, test, optimize and implement on three fields:Establishment of expanded international Success Teams with stronger specialization, on the 3 branches. Like the entrepreneurs in the rural green sector will use the method of cross border success teams as a working method to build the groups of joint marketing sustainable.Establishment of a joint presentation format (e.g. fair): The cooperation partners share the costs for the stand, but must not be present in the location, instead sending their products only. The involved entrepreneurs significantly enlarge their sales market.Establishment of customer events formats: The local network members from the same branch will organize an event with retailers and customers who get access to products from various countries and places.

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  • 75%   15 000,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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1 Partners Participants