We get Involved!
Start date: Aug 1, 2016,
End date: May 31, 2017
This exchange is born to discover the causes of the lack of youth participation and to creating a space of dialogue between young Europeans, decision makers in youth field, and to create common strategies to limit the phenomenon and involve more young people.The exchange "We Get Involved!" is adressed at young people between 20 and 30 years, highly motivated on the subject and that have the power to use the knowledge and skills acquired, during the project, in their local communities, motivating, informing, and raising awareness and encouraging youth participation and European citizenship.The exchange overall objective is to promot youth participation.The specific objectives are:• individuate the causes of the lack of youth participation• Provide a space of dialogue with young people from different countries and decision maker in the youth field• To inform young people about the opportunities offered by the EU (above all Erasmus +) and exchange experiences and best practices• Develop strategies to encourage youth participation, from youth to youth.To achieve our goal, 30 people (24 young people between 20 and 30 years from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Romania, Estonia and Lithuania, plus 6 group leader exponent of the partner associations )will take part to this 7 day exchange, in Ciudad Real (Spain) from 23th to 29th October 2016 developed in the Espacio Joven (main activities), the Public Library of the State, Ciudad Real and cultural visit (as other youth organizations will be announced) to Daimiel.The main activities are:* Activities of knowledge among participants, associations and countries through dynamics, games and presentations*Activities to explain about Youthpass* Intercultural Nights to better understand the realities of participants* Visits to Ciudad Real and Daimiel, where they will meet other youth associations working in the territory* Discussions on youth participation among participants and young people from Ciudad Real and with decision makers in youth field* Working groups to create strategies to encourage youth participation* Dynamic, games, activities evaluation*Flashmob* Explanation of what Youthpass is and its redactionBefore, during and after the exchange, together with European partners, we will make an important dissemination of work done, so that more young people can get to know the opportunities offered by the European Union, more associations can adopt strategies to promote youth participation, and different local communities will be encouraged to active citizenship.We are confident that the project will have a big local, national and international impact, not only for the dissemination of results and the material created during the exchange, but above all, because participants will be the example of how useful and fun it can be participate, and other younger, from different local communities, will be motivate to do the same.