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Wave Farm Impacts and Design (WAVEIMPACT)
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Wave energy is a vast resource that can substantially reduce our environmental footprint. For this purpose Wave Energy Converters (WECs) must be deployed in arrays, forming wave farms, because a single WEC cannot deliver the amounts of energy that are required. At present we do not understand how the sea will interact with these wave farms. In earlier work, we carried out laboratory tests to characterise the interaction of a single WEC with the wave field. The main goal of the WAVEIMPACT project is to characterise the interaction of a wave farm and the wave field by means of laboratory tests and numerical modelling. Upon validation, we will apply the model to investigate the impact of a farm at different study sites. On these grounds we will produce the first set of guidelines on wave farm design."
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