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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The priorities of this partnership ' Water and its Magical Power "are to facilitate the validation of non-formal and informal learning and its permeability with formal education pathways, and to promote young people's social inclusion and well-being. Taking all this into consideration, our project team proposes the following objectives: - promoting and using the non-formal and informal strategies in education processes as complementary and alternative strategies for the formal strategies; - acquiring new key competences in using ICT; - improving and building on their foreign language competences; - promoting and using new innovative practices in classroom education; - promoting lifelong learning process; - preventing any manifestations of xenophobia, and strengthen national pride and awareness of all project participants; - developing the knowledge and ownership of the European cultural heritage and the respect for the European identity, its plurality and its linguistic richness; - building strong relationships between people, schools and cities that will not finish when the project comes to an end; - helping teachers, students, parents and members of local communities to become aware of the sustainability of this important resource called water. To implement our goals, our team (students, teachers and members of local communities) will work together in different countries involved in the partnership, within these four stages: 1. The role of water in every point of view throughout history, for our communities and regions, to show the students, the teachers and the local communities the importance of water for human evolution and development throughout its history; 2. The role of water for today's communities, to show the students, the teachers and the local communities the different purposes of using water, to demonstrate its importance in real, everyday life; 3. Water problems nowadays, to identify and debate contemporary issues related to water in different countries; 4. Solutions to solve water problems, to identify and compare different solutions to water problems, and ensure the sustainability of this important resource. The target group are the teachers and students of these six schools as partners , but in partnership will be involved other person from universities , economic organizations , NGO , etc . Thus, in these international mobilities will be attended by 318 people from all partner countries (180 students and 138 teachers) , but , the persons involved directly and indirectly in the activities of partnership will be over 2000 ; We will do these activities by using non-formal and informal educational methods and we will change the way of thinking of our students, their parents and the members of local community from Greece, Romania, Spain, France, Czech Republic and Bulgaria. During the project, the common work of students and teachers involved in the project will focus on the execution of the project, the collection of information, informal training, meetings with specialists in universities, analysis and laboratory experiments, marina clubs, researching in libraries, searching on the internet, English translations, making the dissemination materials and the final products. The joint work in the project will result in the following: - A book which refer at next themes : 1. The role of water in every point of view through history; 2. The role of water for today's communities ; 3. Water problems in nowadays; 4. Solutions to solve water problems and ensure the sustainability of this important resource. 5. Non-formal learning programs, which will be integrated into the formal education system, " The Water Problems in the World Today" ; - The construction of a Website that will host all the products of the project; - Non-formal training courses in the partner countries; - Short videos about the project and about every meeting ; - Brochures for each chapter of the book ; - Dancing and singing, ; exhibition of paintings inspired by water; - Articles and interviews in the city newspapers, radios etc. as a dissemination of knowledge gained to inform the local communities, etc. -Multiplier event in the end of the project . Following these activities and results, we expect a major impact in relation to English language skills, the skills of ITC, the self-esteem and European consciousness of the participants, either teachers or students. At the same time we believe that all persons directly or indirectly involved in the project , will become aware of the importance of water and will treat the water with more attention. Teachers involved will have the opportunity to meet new teaching strategies that can be adopted and used in schools of origin .

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