Wanna be Healthy!
Start date: Sep 1, 2014,
End date: Jan 31, 2015
Alcohol is a very important common problem nowadays. It give alot of harm to families and society. It is the source of many problems. There are some precautions towards alcohol addiction but these precautions can not stop the usage of it. More people drink alcohol day by day. Researches show that secondary school students have started to drink alcohol. For this reason, alcohol addiction is a very important problem to be solved.
In this context, the owerall aim of the project is to prepare new youth projects together with the young people and youth representatives against to alcohol addiction which gives harm to the people by its physical, physchological and social affects and which gives negative harm to the society, economy and to the development of the country by its illnesses.
The concrete objectives of the Project are as follows :
To prepare new projects which will lead to lessen of alcohol addiction amoung the youngsters with the participation of young people and youth workers
To increase the collaboration about alcohol addiction amoung the youngsters, youth workers and the institutions which works for young people in Europe
To ensure the active participation of young people about disseminating the idea of living without alcohol
To make the youngsters and youth workers conscious about the harm of alcohol.
To strengthen the European awareness amoung the youngsters by finding common solutions to the common problems
To encourage the entrepreneurship of young people by giving them active roles
There will be 30 Participant (9 partner) from 7 countries. Youth workers and youths from various European countries are going to meet to explore, learn and the conscious about the harmful effects of alcohol for 6 days in Akçakoca Town, Düzce, Turkey.
Activities of the project: creating a facebook group, signing agreements with participants and organizations, evaluation questionaires, preparation of promotional tools, brochures and poster, preparation of practical info pack. during the activity week; Introductory activities, NGO fair, Cultural night, field visit, adaptation activities, training on youth projects, preparations for project writing, presentation of good practices, activities for future planning, partnership building actities, evaluation activities.
Methods to be used in the activies as follows: Interactive training, oriantation techniques, games for group dynamic, ice breakers, brain storming, group work and couple works, thematic visit, presentations, individual works, techniques for developing project.
Results and impacts foreseen: New project ideas about alcohol-free life, disseminating good practices about fighting with alcohol addiction, stronger cooperation among the NGOs from different countries, developing good friendships, creating awareness towards other cultures and as a result contributing to create a European citizenship, knowing Erasmus+ more and as a result more interest to the EU funded projects.
Long term effects are ecpected is follows: Some project drafts about fighting alcohol addiction will be created. These drafts will be developed later and submitted to NA's. By this way, more people will be reached to fight alcohol addiction.