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Wake up my European senses
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The authoritative face to face classroom teaching in which only the master was the reference is gone today. The teaching staffs have understood during the recent years the advantages of the new technologies and it becomes desirable to include them in the schooling process. Young people have grown up in this new technological environment and they use new techniques naturally. Our role as a teacher is to control these tools to improve the learning process while keeping the students comfortable about their high-tech environment and to ensure a good recognition of their competencies and skills in this area. It can be expected that they will participate more actively in the development of digital content than in the writing of text on a sheet of paper. In order to get it done, the students will use a pragmatic methodology of learning by doing and will be proactively involved in the project and in their own learning process. With the support of their teachers, students will gradually improve their skills and their knowledge by following a scientific method in three steps: observation, research and conclusion. This approach is essential if to improve their basic skills on how to deal with science As deliverables, all the children involved in the project, aged from 4 to 12 years, are going to create a sharable knowledge repository that constitutes their learning toolbox. This chest will include, at the end of the project, more than 100 video clips that will cover overall the theme of the five senses with a focus on three areas: science, history and art. In science, the videos will explain experiments describing the operation of the 5 senses, their purposes and their usages. In history, the videos will explain, by relying on the 5 senses, a representative historical period of each region, to achieve a timeline of great moments in the history of Europe. In Belgium, our partner is ARC-HAB ASBL Habay that excavates a Roman villa and is ready to help us in our research. The periods represented by all partners will cover Prehistory, Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Great Discoveries, the Industrial Revolution and the contemporary period. In art, the videos will discover techniques in different aspects of art. They will be posted on a common website as well as on a youtube channel to be visible and available to every child involved or not in the project, or by their teachers, whether as part of the flipped classroom review material or as an informative document.

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4 Partners Participants