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W świecie anglojęzycznych bajek i baśni- nauka języka poprzez zabawę.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project includes participation in linguistic and methodical course in order to update the methodology, management and practical teaching skills. After reviewing the new forms and methods of work acquired during mobility the teachers will create an innovative curriculum of English, which will be implemented by 6 English teachers at the Primary School No. 20 in Wloclawek.The aim of the curriculum, which will be based on innovative learning methods and forms of work, is supporting the development of the student's language competence, to develop curiosity towards other cultures, preparing for independence in the process of learning the English language and to reaffirm faith in their own abilities language. Participation in the activities provide the children with language skills and knowledge of the culture of other countries.The participants will be students of classes II-III and IV-VI, who wants to develop language and knowledge about the Great Britain. The program is matched to the needs and abilities of students; It will include contents related to fairy tales and rhymes in English.The main goal of the innovative program is assisting the students in their comprehensive development by:-enrichment vocabulary, expression and grammatical structures in English language,-improving listening comprehension, reading and speaking in a foreign language,-enrichment of the cultural component,-discovering and developing language awareness and the right attitude towards foreigners,-integrating elements of knowledge and skills in various areas of life,-creating appropriate interpersonal and social skills to function properly in a group,-promoting of using the IT technology in language learning.The result of the actions taken will be:-improvement of quality of school work including language training and cultural heritage,-knowledge of the world of universal values such as truth, beauty, love, goodness,-learning how to live in accordance with the socially accepted principles,-getting the ability to express experiences, feelings, perceptions in different fields using verbal and non-verbal means of expressions,-introduction of socially acceptable ways of discharging stress and coping with it in difficult situations, -learning tolerance ,understanding and experience in variety of ways to communicate with others and getting information both verbal and non-verbal.For proper implementation of the program it is important to use innovative working methods including discussion, brainstorming, situational method, stimulating spontaneity and activity besides exposing method, based on observation, eg. performing selected parts or all fairy tales, drama, exhibition of children's work, movement and musical impressions; using the modern technologies such as the Internet, Skype, ICT.The project will be placed on the eTwinning platform, which will contribute to the sharing of good practices with teachers from other countries in order to to discuss problems, ideas and language with others from around the world.Students and teachers during the project will present the results of their work through the preparation or presentation happening with parents and other students and teaching staff. The planned project is also widespread in the local environment, in other educational institutions.All the actions undertaken to popularize the teaching of English, using the modern technology in teaching and learning, improving language skills of pupils and teachers as well as satisfaction with their daily work with students and working with parents.Long-term benefits:-raising educational standards through effective implementation of modern, activating teaching methods, techniques and forms of teaching and educational interaction in the learning process,-multidimensional development of students through the effective use of information and communication techniques,-development interests of pupils with special needs education- against social exclusion,-implementation of pedagogical innovations, such as curriculum, promotion of good practices,-implementation of educational projects, promoting the use of computer technology in language learning.realizacje educational projects, promote the use of computer technology in language learning.
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