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Vzdelaný učiteľ + Kreatívny učiteľ = Lepší učiteľ
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project “Educated Teacher + Creative Teacher = Better Teacher” is aimed at continuing education and personal growth of teachers at secondary schools. The aim of the project is to adopt innovative teaching methods with the focus on a humanistic approach towards students, on stimulating teachers and students’ creativity and increasing their motivation. The European framework of international teacher training provides a unique basis for the exchange of experiences and opens the door for international cooperation during language and special teacher training. The project will be carried out on the basis of teacher training abroad in cooperation with a special partner (Pilgrims English Language Courses) with a long tradition in the area of running language courses. The three English teachers and a science teacher are going to participate in these courses: Methodology and Language for Secondary Teachers; Creative Methodology for the Classroom; British Life, Language & Culture and English for Teachers. The participants of courses are expected to develop teaching and professional confidence, learn new teaching methods, techniques and approaches. The whole society and particularly the secondary school will benefit from teachers’ creativity and enthusiasm, which will energize students’ passion for foreign language, fulfill their potential and support their personal growth. Acquired knowledge and know-how will become part of school documents, will be published on the school website and presented at school workshops and seminars for the whole region.

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