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Vzdelanie, zručnosti a skúsenosti pre európsky trh práce
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is designed for students of the 2nd and 3rd form studing Regional tourism management and Marketing in tourism. Project is prepared for 40 students who achieve excellent study results, who are interested in gaining experience, practical skills in the field of tourism services. Implementation of professional practice is planned in Poland, Italy and Bulgaria in the period from June till July 2015. The planned number of students is 40, and the number of teachers supervising is 6***. The practice of students will be implemented during 3 weeks in tourism enterprises providing catering, accommodation, wellnes , information services, museums and services in travel agencies. Students will be placed in various companies at different jobs positions according to their knowledge and skills. The host organisations are Cech Rzemiosl Roznych v Krosnie, BulgariaGateway Ltd. and Sistema Turismo s.r.l. The last two are the members of the European Network for ECVET. The project was prepared and consulted together. The Secondary Vocational School of Business and Enterprise is located in the 3rd largest city in Slovakia. Nevertheless, there are very few options for placement of our students for professional practice in tourism businesses in Presov and around the city. The project represents an opportunity to gain practical experience of tourism services in three different countries, in jobs in the hotel industry, travel agencies, information centers, in the museum. Students gain valuable experience in the field of social inclusion into work teams, communication skills in daily communication with clients, organizational skills, knowledge processes in companies. They will necessarily communicate in a foreign language. Communication in foreign language environments contributes to increasing the professional vocabulary of students and teachers in the host country language and in English. The students´ stay abroad contributes to their independence, greater self-confidence, responsible approach to work, the ability to integrate into a new working team. Mobility in Polish Krosno and Sofia in Bulgaria are carried out in inland. They represent so similar natural conditions in which there is also a city of Presov. Rimini - seaside resort is a popular destination for Slovaks. Mobility and practices in Rimini can provide our students a unique opportunity to assert in the position delegate guide, animator for travel agencies. The project contains a linguistic and cultural preparation, which will be provided prior to the commencement of mobility. articipants The project will present to students two Slavic countries Poland and Bulgaria, which have similarities and their particularities. Through this knowledge the pupils will aware of the beauty of diversity, which does not divide, but rather connects. The aim of the Project is cooperation with partners BulgariaGateway and Sistema Turismo and communication on the European credit transfer system for vocational education and training - ECVET. The Secondary Vocational School of Business and Enterprise and cooperating partners insure to arrange the Europass mobility certificate for each participant of foreign professional practice with a clear description of the acquired competencies and skills. Reports, the studies and presentation about the students stays abroad, presentation of the cultural traditions, discussions with partner organizations about the study procedures, curricular innovations in the fields of study focused on tourism will be the product of the project. Implementation and results of the project will increase the competitiveness of the school, and the eligibility of students for the European labor market and their motivation to lifelong learning.

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