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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is our school´s first important mobility project, whose aim is to allow our teachers to improve their language skills as well as update their teaching ideas. We appreciate a lot the fact that it is not only foreign language teachers (who are somehow expected to perfect their language skills throughout their life) who volunteered to take part in this mobility project, but also the teachers of other subjects, too. The courses they chose will help them to take part in on-going Comenius multilateral school partnership, be more active on the eTwinning web site and implement CLIL methodology into more subjects in the future. Eight teachers will have a chance to meet their colleagues from other European countries, exchange information on national curriculums, establish links that will enable them further cooperation. We believe that all the chosen courses will contribute greatly to enriching education, broaden European dimension and bring deeper understanding and true friendship among nations.

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