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VTC-Shoe Virtual training centre for shoe design

The main reason for the VTC-Shoe project proposal comes up to the changing needs in training, in terms of bothquantity and quality, designed for promoting competitiveness and employment on the European footwear industry. Inorder to foster use of information and communications technologies in their national footwear industry, the VTCShoepartners engage a common challenge to support quality improvements in vocational education and trainingsystems, by focusing on the development of innovation and good practice .The aim of the project is to implement shoe design training content into a virtually designed and served training centrewhich is accessible over internet, e-learning will be realised as an innovation in this field.The objectives of the project will be:1) Setting up a functional training centre in a virtual space in order both to develop training services for lifelonglearning and to share good practice in shoe design;2) Adapting the collected materials so as to enhance the new curriculum satisfying the requirements in a modern andinnovative e-learning content;3)Helping to improve and upgrade competences and skills of the VET colleges and schools training staff andexchange experiences over the virtual training centre;4) Enabling the participating partners to extend the common educational qualifications of shoe design technologies,the accreditation of the skills and knowledge of shoe design techniques acquired within the network created betweenpartner institutions.Virtual Training Centre for Shoe Design will be set up on the internet to supply training for shoe design. A virtualspace, a shoe design training portal on the Internet which will allow the constant sharing of e-learning based shoedesign training material so as to foster the further development of e-learning based shoe design educational contentswill be created. The equipment, methods, curriculum and techniques currently used in shoe design training by partnerswill be observed, collected and evaluated. The selected materials will be used to create a new and efficientcurriculum. This curriculum will be the core of target virtual training activity.Accordingly with this curriculum, an interactive teaching program will be developed and put into a website to form avirtual training centre. The site will be divided into four main areas, “News”, “Exchange of views” “Projects andNetworks”, and “Information Resources”. Users will be able to access, to name a few, to the newsletter, a bulletinboard, online surveys and survey reports, information on VET networks, an electronic library with references, abookshop with downloadable publications and a number of databases.

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