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VPL-2 – Managing European diversity in lifelong learning

VPL-2”Managing European diversity in lifelong learning (lll)” aims at strengthening the use of validation of non/informal learning by individuals and organisations, supported by a demand and customer oriented learning system. Three sectors (metal for profit oriented economies, health for the non- profit sector and unpaid work) in ten countries (= representing seven different European learning cultures) have been chosen. An analysis grid will be designed which can be used to describe the (individual) cases in each learning culture; The main result of the project will be the creation of role models showing how and that in each learning culture lll is possible. As results are concerned a recommendation for a European Framework, an overview of good practices throughout Europe, together with report, national study reports etc. are foreseen. Target groups are stakeholders on different levels, social partners and VET institutions. A main idea for working within the project is to go from specific to genetic, what means that most products are based on sectoral information but will be made usable for cross sectoral and national use; The projects web site will work as an open space or market place and should become a self sustainable source of information.

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