European Projects
Vorwärts in Europa und der Welt
Vorwärts in Europa und der Welt
Start date: Jun 1, 2014,
End date: May 31, 2016
a)On the one hand, the aims of our project were the improvement of foreign language and sociocultural skills. On the other hand, the participants should develop key-competences such as their life-long learning skills and improve their employability by developing not only professional, but also social and personal competences.
Ahead of the project the participant´s professional competences were discussed with the receiving institutions. Consequently, these were included in each student´s arrangements and documented in the participant´s Europass Mobiity.
In detail, the program´s participants should…
- …use and improve their professional skills according to their specific traineeship´s regulations
- …be able to compare the German dual-traineeship scheme with the training scheme in the receiving institution and/or the receiving
member-state of the European Union
- …be able to handle typical tasks in a professional surrounding, most notably in-company communication processes and
organizational responsibilities
- …aquire knowledge and skills to deal with everyday-life in a new surrounding, for example the usage of public transport and the
adjustment to a specific cultural settings
- …get an insight into in-company processes within the receiving institutions
- …develop their teamworking skills by contributing to and participating in international teams and working in different departments of
the receiving institutions
- …be able to deal with potentially new cultural conditions and circumstances
- …be flexible and open-minded
- …Improve their foreign language skills
- …get to know the social security system of the receiving country in order to reflect upon different settings with the European Union.
A total of 69 students visited numerous member-states of the European Union. All in all, 19 students went to Malta, 17 to Spain, 11 to the United Kingdom, 9 to Ireland, 4 to Norway, 2 each to the Netherlands, Poland and Denmark and 1 each to France, Italy and Turkey. About a quarter of the stipendiaries works in travel and tourism and a second quarter in the so-called “new service professions” and a third quater in whole sale or were commercial assistants The remaining quarter trains in finance (banks and insurance), transport/logistics and taxes.
Even though it is difficult to measure the participant´s accomplishments of social and personal aims, such as “improvements in self-confidence”, “development of open-mindedness” , many trainers of the participant´s sponsoring companies acknowledge such improvements during the program´s evaluation. By comparison, the development of the participant´s professional skills is easier to gauge and resulted in overall satisfactory results.
The „Europass Mobility“ was awareded to all participants, some of whom also received the pass during the „Europatag 2016“ by Ms Barbara Woltmann, member of the German Bundestag, on the 9th of June 2016.
b) The aim of our project was a comparison of best-practice concepts which are used to teach international and intercultural competences. As well as that, the involved educational institutions had the objective of gathering specific information on materials and methodology with reference to teaching the above-mentioned competences. The improvement of professional competence can only be achieved if our institutions gather enough knowledge about the competences that are required of young professionals in other European countries. Thus we can offer them tailor-made courses which make them fit for the working environment, which is one of our mission statements at the “Europaschule BBS Wechloy”. European Standards have already been developed for universities and other educational institutions (e.g. Bologna process) and are being evaluated and redefined continually to meet the demands of Europeanisation and globalization of the working world. We therefore see ourselves as multipliers for the idea of an international system of vocational training, which enables the coming generations to work abroad without severe difficulties.
The participants of this project are teachers of the BBS Wechloy who teach trainees of the service sector, many of them being teachers for a foreign language. The so-called country teams for Norway (two teachers), Ireland (two teachers), UK (three teachers), Malta (four teachers). Italy (two teachers), Portugal (two teachers) and Spain (seven teachers for four different locations) all did some research on employability. This was the basis for discussion on competences which comprised informative meetings on qualifications (basic and additional qualifications). Information regarding standards and frameworks which define the knowledge, concepts, and skills that students should acquire and how this is put into practice in the different partner countries is gathered and evaluated by our teaching staff. Our long-term objective is the development of a concept for teaching soft and