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Vorteile heterogener Lerngruppen nutzen - qualitativ hochwertige Förderung für alle Schülerinnen und Schüler schaffen.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

With the implementation of the 9th School Law Amendment “Longer combined learning” of children with or without special needs becomes the general rule in public schools. In particular, the common schools of “Longer Combined learning” see themselves faced with the task that parents of children with special educational needs have a legal right to a place at a public school. Our “Sekundarschule Kamp-Lintfort” understands the heterogeneity of its students as an enrichment and is so far an inclusive system right from the start. · Nevertheless, the education of children with special needs is for us as a public school a major challenge. · With the comprehensive offer of teaching, consulting and education we have first answers. However, this activities need to be critically evaluated again and again, to be open to new ideas and to implement new promising approaches in our system. · We expect new impulses through the job shadowing/ sitting in on classes at inclusive secondary schools in other European countries as well as by taking courses in which colleagues from different European countries come together. „To think outside the box“ is not only a critical analysis of the teaching practices of the participating teachers, but also a chance for school development. This chance on a stronger involvement of the European dimension, we would like to use for the development of our Sekundarschule Kamp-Lintfort.“ education of children with special educational needs support for us as a public school is a big challenge. With the comprehensive teaching, consulting and education offer we have first answers. However, these need to be critically examined again and again, to be open to new ideas and to anchor new promising approaches in our system. Here we hope through the internship in inclusive secondary schools in other European countries as well as by taking courses in which colleagues from different European countries come together impetus for our work. This "think outside the box" is not only a critical analysis of the teaching practices of the participating teachers, but always a chance for school development. This chance on a stronger involvement of the European dimension, we would like to use for the development of secondary

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