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Volunteering in Barcelona 2015- Move to Learn
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Nov 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Volunteering in Barcelona, 2015-Move to Learn” made possible that Marija,young volunteer national from Montenegro took part of the FCV daily activities from 15th January to 15th September 2015, time that she spent living in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, while collaborating with the Fundació Catalunya Voluntària as one more in the team. Concretely, her tasks felt under the communication department with most of their tasks related with providing information about international project and local activities lead by the FCV program “Catalans around the world”. She actively promote the benefits of participating in an international mobility project to a diverse group of young people, using FCV educational approach, based in empowering them to take responsibility for their own learning, find opportunities and focused their efforts in developing those key competences identified by participants themselves. She met with many Catalan young people, including young people with fewer opportunities (willing to improve their social, intercultural, language and job skills) participating in both informative sessions and preparatory and follow-up and evaluation meeting and, in the other hand, she help to improve the media, public relations and communication strategies of the Foundation, helping in designing, lay out materials and in proofreading and writing in English. She stayed for 8 months in Barcelona and, after some time, she felt well integrated into the Spanish and Catalan society and culture. She had many opportunities to contribute with her ideas and experience and she used some of them, to implement new activities or just by giving ideas about activities which were undertaken by the FCV staff. Being part of the FCV team helped us all to improve our intercultural knowledge and to have a better understanding about the situation in her country and, to some extent, in the whole South East European region. During her stay in Barcelona, as planned, she lived in a single room, sharing her flat together with other young people, what helped her to integrate better in the city. She was volunteer as active team mate in several projects and met with many Catalan young people with different background and experience.
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