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Volunteering for inclusion
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project arises from the need of sharing new experiences in an international context, leading to increase quality and diversification of Fundatia de Voluntari Somaschi’s services, personal development of participants in the project, the target group and other young people who participate in project activities The objectives of the project are the following: promoting volunteering, non-formal education, tolerance and Erasmus+ program through activities developed in the community of Baia Mare, with the support of three foreign volunteers ; facilitating learning through direct experience and acquiring new skills for independent living for three foreign volunteers for 6 months through activities in the host organization, local community with experienced personnel in non-formal education; stimulating creativity and entrepreneurship, facilitating social inclusion of disadvantaged youngsters through methods, activities and events through new and innovative approach to problems of public interest, for six months, with three foreign volunteers; personal development of the three EVS volunteers involved in the project and the other participants in project activities. Project activities are: 1 . Activities and start training ( Advance Planning Visit,sessions partners signing internal agreement, training of volunteers ) ; 2. The stage. The volunteers will participate in on- arrival training. For 6 months volunteers will activate in Foundation s structures : creative workshops, social and recreational activities in Day Care Center and community Miani; support activities in the Night shelter and Mobile Unit (games, literacy, recreational activities, identifying solutions for assistance of beneficiaries; participation in volunteer training meetings; support to the preparation and dissemination of various volunteers activities in the community (summer camp, animation in poor communities, social activities; participating in language courses and mentoring meetings ; workshops (“Interactive Portuguese” interactive, “ Decorating and Recycling”, “ Afro Styling”), intercultural evenings, public café Why disadvantaged?, photovoice exhibition, flashmob, making film "Volunteering for inclusion" - testimony of their experience, good practice model and dissemination tool; attending an event at the European Youth Capital 2015- Cluj Napoca and other activities that they propose during the stage; evaluating their experience completing the Youthpass certificate and will participating in the Mid-term Evaluation; 3.Publicity; 4. Evaluation and dissemination Methods used : teamwork, dialogue , brainstorming , workshop , discussion ,independent work, exercise, animation, world cafe, debate,simulation, living eehibition,selection,games, experiential learning , photovoice exhibition, flashmob Volunteers will enrich or will acquire new skills , knowledge and abilities : communication in foreign languages , digital, social and civic competences , will know to schedule and publicize an event or activity , manage a budget , they will develop entrepreneurship skills and initiative . Also they will develop attitudes such as tolerance , patience , empathy . The level of the social integration of beneficiaries Foundation programs will be increased. Long term benefits : increasing the number of volunteers in host organisation, diversification of activities for the benefit of disadvantaged young people and the involvement of civil society actors in solving their problems; internationalization of the activities developed by the partner organizations; the capacity development of their members. Erasmus + will become known , will increase the number of young people who will have experience in EVS , will increase the number of projects and partneships.
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3 Partners Participants