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Voluntariado Ambiental en la Isla de Menorca
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A 26 years old french volunteer is expected to take part in the project known as “EnvironmentalVolunteer for the Island of Menorca” with the organisation GOB Menorca, situated in the Balearic Island of Menorca. The sendingorganization is MISSION LOCALE DE LA SAINTONGE from France.The activity take place from February to October 2016 ( 8 months ), where the volunteer will become involved with differentenvironmental conservation projects that the receiving organization carries out (The Recuperation Centre for Wild Animals, TheNursery Garden for indigenous plants, environmental education, volunteer management, etc). They will also receive some languagetraining. The volunteer will have a general co-ordinator for their projects as well as separate co-ordinators who are in charge of thespecific projects in which the volunteer will participate. The volunteer will take part in these projects together with other localvolunteers of the receiving organisation and with another EVS that will participate in another project similar to this one. It is expected that the volunteer will acquire technical knowledge in areas in which theorganisation works (the environment), as well as gaining competence in other areas and as promoted by the ERASMUS +programme.It is hoped that this project will be the first of many similar, and this volunteer will be the second European volunteer with the GOBMenorca organisation, so the results of this project will decisively influence the participation of GOB Menorca in the ERASMUS+proramme. It is also expected to maintain free flowing and direct contact with the sending organisation so as to be have thepossibility to organise future projects of this sort.

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