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Vois ta vie en vert ! (Be Happy Be Green !)
Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Oct 16, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is a trilateral youth exchange (Hair Redivivus in Romania, the animation service for young people Council of Pilas in Spain and the animation service for young people of the Pays de la Zorn in France) gathering 30 youngsters aged 14 to 17 years old and 8 leaders from a rural area. It will take place in Schwindratzheim and Strasbourg from the 18th to the 28th of August 2014. The main themes will be intercultural richness, environment and every day life gesture to preserve it ( local food, waste, workshops, outdoors activities, planting trees, international night, canoe day...). Through those topics we would like to make Europe a reality in a rural area, to create long term links between european countries and to developp an environmental consciousness on the participants. The youngsters will have the occasion to developp good habits of consumption whilst learning to take reflexive choices and assuming their european citizen role. The participants will be involved in outdoors activities (canoe, tree climbing adventure, bike) and activities linked with environmental issues (healthy and sustainable alimentation, preservation of ressources, soft mobility). In order to achieve our objectives we will use non formal way of education, learning by doing and the confrontation of ideas during debates and time of reflexion. Through the community life, group activities and the discovery of culture diversity the youngsters will learn to live together, and thus fight prejudice and they will experiment Europe's cultural and human richness. We are expecting that this project will galvanise the Pays de la Zorn's area, change the european concept into a reality and encourage youngsters and local populations to be commited and built exchange projects. As regards the participants themselves, we are expecting that they developp usefull competences for their daily life and their future. For example, through a tree planting activity, we would like to create a powerful token which will be a direct testimony of youngsters' long term commitment and of the exchange's impact on their upcoming life choices. This project is aiming to encourage the involvement of other youngsters in order to galvanise the european links created and to continue this dynamique.

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