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Vocational Training Around Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school Szegedi SzC Kossuth Zsuzsanna Vocational School is a medical care and light industry vocational school. We have nursing, infant and child care nursing classes and clothing manager or fashion designer trainings. In these fields the ratio of vocational practice is high (40-60%) so the four week long foreign vocational training is useful.Our school has a fruitful cooperation with the Danish health care vocational school from Nykobing since 2002, with our French partner since 2011 and with the enormous vocational school, Tavastia Vocational College, from Hämeenlinna, Southern Finland since 2005. Their educational system is similar to ours and it guarantees the proper workplaces, they are helpful and open to Erasmus+ program. Our new partner is SOSUAarhus in Denmark. They guide the students’ practice, the trainers’ experience; they also ensure the accommodation and help with the free time activities and administration.Students from grade 13. 14. and 15. can apply for this scholarship. These students have a basic knowledge of English and acquired the basis of the professional language. They are able to work alone under supervision.6 students travel to Denmark , and 4 - 4 to Finland and France. During the first few days, the health care students take part in theoretical lessons or practice in the school, then they study and practice the local attendance and nursing habits. In the home of physically challenged people they get to know the different type of difficulties, the barrier-free places and the special nursing exercises. In the day nursery they get acquainted with the different form of nursing and activities, in the mothers’ home the help to take care of infants and to teach the mothers.The 4 clothing manager or fashion designer students spend their training in the modern, well-equipped workplaces of the Finnish vocational college. They have a program, connected with their curriculum and it is counted into their final marks, which have to be fulfilled. The subject of their practice: Traditional accessories – hats, caps, bags, gloves, scarves – role in the life of young people.The trainers during their 1 week, or 10 day long studies have a closer look to the vocational programs of the partner institutions, have professional meeting with their colleagues. They take part in lessons. They visit the workplaces and institutions, where the students spend their 4 week long training. Our community of professional teachers assemble the students’ program, the management organise the travelling, the accommodation, the meals, in cooperation with the partners.The main aim of our vocational trainings is to realize the students’ training in the highest level in order to harmonize the training and the demand of the labour market. Most of our students have a contact, which support this purpose. Our main aim is to help our students to find a workplace easily, because their knowledge is modern, they are determined and they are able to use modern devices, they know the modern techniques. He training of the trainers serves this aim, because when they put the curriculum together, they can build their experiences in it. (E.g. : the complex, holistic nursing or the creativity and innovation for the designers) The students supplement this with the experiences they get during their everyday life such as communication, empathy, getting to know another culture. These aims are reasonable, according to our previous experiences. Our students can use their new knowledge at home, too. Especially, their attitude changes a lot. With their recently get professional knowledge and higher language skills they have lots of opportunities within Hungary or in any other countries of the European Union. They receive a Europass certification, which also helps them to find a job.The teachers and the students are selected by a committee after submitting an application. 14 students and 4 teachers can participate altogether. Language, mental and cultural preparation lessons are held for the students and only language courses for the teachers are held. The students travel with an accompanying teacher to help them with the travelling and in the first days. She helps to occupy the accommodation, to start their training and in some organisation tasks. The students have to document everything they do and they have to make a masterpiece, which is displayed after they arrived home. They have to make a written report, too. The detailed programs are in the attachments.

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