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Vocational English Training for Woodworking Industry

The VETWOOD project is designed to respond to the urgent vocational Еnglish training needs of our contemporary society by matching vocational education and training to current needs of the developing European labour market. The mobility of workforce in the European Union imposes specific demands for people’s language skills directly related to employability, fast adjustment to new work environment and multinational teams.The project partners’ network has recognized the lack of training in vocational English language in the entire Woodworking Industry. The Needs Survey, carried out in all partner countries, has shown that target groups have basic but not adequate language competences essential for their professional communication and realization in an international work environment. All partners confirmed the lack of specific English language training in the curricula in their educational systems. The owners and managers from SMEs in Woodworking industry also confirmed current needs for this particular training. According the Observatory of European SMEs, carried out by the European Commission in 2007, one of the main problems of SMEs is in finding and hiring the appropriate workforce with the adequate vocational language competence. The VETWOOD project will develop the following tools: interactive multimedia product for e-learning of vocational English language which will include training modules covering the following key topics: tree structure, tree species, wood properties, wood defects and abnormalities, drying wood, woodworking machines, wood processing technologies, wood-based panels, hazardous and harmful factors, occupational safety and health issues; training module based on case studies; tests on training modules; students’ book with a multilingual glossary; teacher’s notes; test book; Case studies book; training of targeted groups; project web site; information brochure. The outcomes of the project will be applicable in vocational college schools, universities and any short-term or long-term vocational training of woodworking company staff and as training materials for lifelong learning for individuals employed in the woodworking industry sector. The outcomes of the project will be available to self-learners of vocational English or as a distance-learning tool since all project products will be uploaded on the VETWOOD web site.
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4 Partners Participants