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VIRTUOUS – Vocational Initiative Realised Through Unique Opportunities and Ultimate Speed
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “VIRTUOUS – Vocational Initiative Realised Through Unique Opportunities and Ultimate Speed” aims at increasing the know-how of the Vocational High School of Food, Wine and Hospitality Management “Roberto Virtuoso” in terms of cooperation with other European countries, getting access to the international networks and achieving further enhancement of the activities related to the employability of students, in addition to the research, innovation and development areas.The Institute attaches the utmost importance to mobility projects abroad that involves school staff seen as real “agents of change” able to push the educational institutions towards European standards of training steadily advanced from the qualitatively point of view and increasingly innovative. Moreover, in a Vocational High School such as the “Roberto Virtuoso”, being a reference point for the whole City of Salerno as one of the first specialised institutes in the Campania Region and in Italy thanks to the fact that many of its graduates are now performing prestigious positions in numerous dining and hotel industries, both at the national and international levels, the need to take every challenge related to the field of hospitality and food-industries becomes particularly important in a year like that of Expo2015, which is seeing the attention of the world focused on food and agricultural products, in particular those related to the specific characteristics of the territories, and the natural increase of interest and curiosity from the learners as well as the international partners of the institute.The main objectives of VIRTUOUS project can be summarised as follows:1. Strengthening of the degree of internationalisation and fostering the European dimension of the institute (applicant);2. Establishment and handling relations of fruitful cooperation with educational institutions having branches in other European countries for the organisation of work placements and / or linguistic as well as international exchanges by providing an increased offer to the students of the institutes involved and open up, in this way, concrete paths ahead of inclusive growth prospects for the future;3. Identification and support, thanks to the contribution of foreign collaborations, new talents through education in productive sectors that are crucial for the local economies;4. Support conscious and operating on further mobility projects and training, as well as the networks and Schools-Enterprises connections, implementing actions that increase and enhance the capacity of educational institutions involved to participate in European projects and being an integral part of national and transnational networks.The opportunity to showcase Expo2015 in this particular circumstance wants to be, therefore, as interpreted by the space-depth on issues given strong since the beginning of the Sixties and opportunities for revamping the disciplines at the international level thanks to increased attention of the general public awareness of an event that goes beyond the dimension of the City of Milan. The Teachers in-service at the Vocational High School “Roberto Virtuoso” intend, therefore, to further gear up to be ready for the challenge of internationalisation facing their country of origin so as to be able to give more support to the revival of the national economy and above all through the preparation of future European professionals who can prove excellence in these areas once completed their education at the Institute.The European mobility plan designed for the teachers of the institute includes the following steps:- Setting up an information desk run by one of the participating teachers (“Europe Desk”);- Production of information materials for the dissemination of knowledge in the period before the mobility and encouraging widespread participation and involvement in such a way that, at the time of departure, these are felt by the people as a collective engagement and not experienced as an isolated and episodic act;- Implementation of specific activities that will feature the mobility of teachers;- Activation of relationships and networks in preparation for student mobility and, in particular, to future placement as professional of the current students;- Definition and implementation support tools, monitoring and evaluation;- Implementation of the actions of internal and external dissemination.Teachers who have directly taken part to that experience of training and professional updating in different European countries in which the partner schools are established (France, Spain, and the UK) will then be responsible for initiating and / or strengthen partnerships with their peers and schools based in other European countries building together innovative paths and qualified to implement actions targeting the integration of the students and their participation in transnational projects.
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