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Virtuell vernetzte Sprachwerkstätten an europäischen Schulen - Ein Fortbildungskonzept für Spracherwerb, Mehrsprachigkeit und kreatives Lernen

The main purpose of this project is to develop an academically sound concept for furthereducation regarding language acquisition, multilingualism and creative languagelearning that is based on the reformed educational experiences of teachers and thatuses academic and technical innovations in the area of language learning andmultilingualism. The project involves primary and/or secondary schools from sixEuropean countries as well as an academic institution from each country that is involvedin initial and/or further teacher training.The project is organised according to efforts to provide effective support for the learningof additional languages as early as primary level and to develop intercultural skills.Particular focus is on students who already speak more than one language (in some ofthe schools participating in the project, up to 80% of student populations are migrants orthere is a high percentage of minority groups, such as Roma). This language diversityneeds to be understood and used as a resource.The aim is to set up language workshops in all schools participating in the project and tolink them up via a virtual communications platform, so that all people involved cancommunicate with one another and exchange experiences as well as material.The main activity in the language workshops is the work done with “Euroklex”, theinteractive European children's lexicon, whose software is being extended within thescope of the project to include eight languages (German, English, Finnish, Italian,Dutch, Romany, Hungarian and Turkish) and which is being developed by students inparticipating schools who are working together. The experiences from these schoolsand the knowledge from the academic support influence the overall concept of furthertraining.These activities in the area of language learning and multilingualism should promoteinterest in language diversity in Europe. The innovative and tried-and-tested methodsshould enable creative language teaching and increase motivation for languageacquisition.
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