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Virtual European Prison School

The main aim of the project is to increase the participation of prisoners in lifelonglearning in order to enable their reintegration into the society after release. The project isdesigned to reinforce the role of educational policies in prisons. The project seeks tofind solutions to actual identified needs of teaching and learning processes in Europeanprisons, and to develop strategic policy statements addressed to the decision makers ofpenitentiary systems at European level. The implementation of appropriate educationalpolicies in prisons is not only to the benefit of the learner behind bars. Successful reintegrationof offenders is in favour of the civil society in general.The project will transfer, adapt and test effective models from three countries (IE SE,NO) into other four prison systems (BG, CZ, EL, UK). The establishment of a projectwebsite, will serve as a Virtual European Prison School (VEPS). The creation of aEuropean platform for exchange of specialized penitentiary teaching materials,practices, organisational and pedagogical approaches and tools, will set the trends inthe field and could encourage innovative processes in other countries not involved in theproject.The implementation of the module system and distance learning are approaches formaking the learning of prisoners more flexible and individually oriented. Changedattitudes of offenders towards themselves and the general society are considered to bethe best way of reducing the level of re-offending. The project will contribute to theincorporation of the tested practices into the national educational and/or penitentiarysystems. Project results and conclusions will be presented at a planned conference tokey decision makers, responsible for the policies in prisons.

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