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Villa Crossmedia
Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Villa Crossmedia is a media project designed to promote social inclusion, cultural exchanges and empowerment among youths. Increased media awareness and the creation of media for and by young people (radio, TV, internet and especially social media) allows them to acquire the relevant skills that will help them on their pathways to further training and employment. The project focuses on 3 areas targeted at 12-25 year olds:- media wisdom - ensuring that young people are aware of potential dangers and other issues concering new media, in particular the internet and social networks, through training and peer-to-peer activity.- media education and production – establishing new media centres or improving existing ones to create places where young people can learn about media in an informal and inclusive way. This will include site visits, practitioner exchanges and the encouragement of cross-border youth media production.- cultural identity - promoting a heightened sense of identity among young people in a multi-cultural world and providing opportunities for exchanges between young people in the 2 Seas area.A key output of the project will be a highly accessible, open-source virtual media platform to enhance peer production, collaboration and free sharing of media by the youngsters in the 2 Seas cross-border area. Expected Results: What are the key results of the project?Activity 1:- A research report with a description of the experiences and conclusion of the focus groups.- Prototyped media wisdom training modules and evaluation report, leading to improved tutorials.- Tailored training programs to the needs of European youth segments.- A knowledge pool to pass on media wisdom expertise.Activity 2:- A report/manual and video report with good practices and guidelines for setting up cross media centers.- New media centers with cross media facilities to provide experience-based learning.- Formal media training for young people, with certificates and awards for skills gained.- International network with youth exchange, to increase European citizenship among young people.- Online platform on which cross border media content is shared.Activity 3:- Youth Community Platform actively promoted and used with tutorials and guides disseminated.- Project DVD disseminated with successful promotion of local training, digital story telling activities and youth ambassador identification.- Local media festivals and conferences organised in every partner area.Are all partners and territories benefitting from the results?The immediate target group is young people aged 12 to 25, from a range of backgrounds - socially or economically disadvantaged, ethnic minorities and school children in deprived areas.The final beneficiaries of the project will be the wider society in the Member States of the project and hopefully further afield in time. Communities will benefit from more integrated, tolerant citizens, with aspirations, goals and the tools to acheive those, in a media setting. This will make these youngsters more socially included and will also allow to them to contribute to society both in terms of its culture and also economically.Media companies, technology businesses and indeed any other business that project beneficiaries are employed by will benefit from having a better-skilled workforce, with the right skills for a digital knowledge economy and other soft skills that are so important in the workplace, today.What are the effects / outcomes for the territories involved?Outcomes of action 1 will be that young citizens can participate fully in a media-saturated society, being equipped with the awareness of how to use media and the effects of it.Outcomes of action 2 will be that through the access provided for all young people to make their own media, their capacity to articulate and critically analyze issues that impact their lives will be increased.They will gain the tools to make their own media, boosting self-confidence and leading to a deeper engagement with the wider society and involvement in political life or urban youth policy, potentially.There will be access to information for all young people, enabling them to participate in activities and the life of the community or to benefit from the opportunities and services provided for them.Outcomes of action 3 will be the empowerment of the wider youth community and better working across geographical, cultural and economic barriers to promote social inclusion, community cohesion, greater awareness and tolerance.
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  • 50%   2 281 830,00
  • 2007 - 2013 2 SEAS (FR-UK-BE-NL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants