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Viduslatgales Profesionālās vidusskolas audzēkņu prakse ārzemē
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project is student professional experience, competences, new skill and knowledge acquirement in European Union (further – EU) country’s companies that offer students practice, thus promoting both, student personal growth, and professional knowledge and competence acquirement, also developing their language knowledge. To strengthen theoretical knowledge gained in the school, we will offer 58 students in 7 different professions – “Mechanic”, “Food service specialist”, “Carpenter”, “Rural field manager” or “Mechanic of agricultural machinery”, “Rural tourism specialist”, “Computer-system technician” with opportunity to carry out part of their studies plan practices abroad in 4 co-operation partner companies in Germany and in the UK. Carrying out the project, we want to offer students diverse education acquirement opportunities, implementing learning mobility and strengthening co-operation with partners from other countries and also exploring other country education and training opportunities. By working in international team, students will improve their leaning skills and also EU language diversity and intercultural understanding. During practice, students will show their professional knowledge and skills and knowledge of languages when communicating with foreign colleagues in practice companies. By working in different environment students will enhance their scope and also professional skills, that students will share to others. Before sending students for practice, they will be pedagogically, culturally and economically prepared. We will inform them and provide with information about particular country’s household specifics, culture, economics and traditions, so that when they arrive there, they could understand particular countries social issues and could settle in the environment, where they will undertake the practice. The benefit of this activity will also be: *Improved knowledge and level of professional competences; *Improved carrier opportunities; *Increased self-initiative, self-esteem; *Improved knowledge of foreign language; *Improved intercultural understanding; *Improved understanding about European project realisation opportunities, results and values; * Improved motivation to participate in future’s education and studies (formal/non-formal)
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4 Partners Participants