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vidumath - creative video for mathematics
Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mathematics education has received a lot of attention in the member states in recent years. Curricula have been updated and goals have been sharpened. The 2011 Eurodyce report "Mathematics in Europe: Common Challenges and National Policies" acknowledges the efforts of the central authorities but also states that a variety of teaching methods are needed and that learners’ motivation is often an issue and that only few countries in Europe work on extracurricular project-based ideas. Vidumath would like to contribute to this discussion with an innovative teaching method with ideas of a technology-rich ecosystem built around video production. Video nowadays is a common form of communication that most young people enjoy. Video can be a very motivating tool and bring in many different facets compared to a conventional textbook. The moving image can help to illustrate more complex structures and can aptly connect with the real world. European video education experts and mathematics innovators will develop a framework of ideas of what could be done within the mathematics classroom with and for the age of 9 to 12 years. The core idea is that the learners themselves are the active part of the production process. In this process, using systematic but creative thinking, mathematical content will be re-worked and visualised. Mathematics is a science that occupies itself with such things as rules, patterns, abstractions or proofs that can be applied in a large number of settings, applied or philosophical or playful. In this approach: * Children will playfully discover learning within mathematics * Children will document this process themselves on video * Other children, as an immediate repercussion, will be learners and consumers of these productions * Children will be given opportunity for self-reflection from this learning-by-teaching approach * Teachers will facilitate appropriately and provide ideas and examples * The ideas will be further developed together with other EU teachers Teachers will be the interface to reach the learners and the project will take great care to address and include them appropriately. To give structure to our productions, vidumath will collect and develop video material within three matrix themes: entry task (screen recording, one-shot video), intermediate task (stop motion / animation) and advanced task (creative explorations – edited video). Basic ideas with a clear pedagogical outline and well produced video tutorials will especially address teachers with no video experience. For these teachers ideas will include: what can be done with a limited amount of classroom time, how tasks can be combined with homework as well as ideas for interdisciplinary project work especially in conjunction with the subject of art. In order to promote the vidumath vision the project will produce attractive and clear pilot examples for each matrix theme. Pedagogical material will include background information and video tutorials will offer a good introduction about what kind of videos can be produced and how. The focus will be on visual material with little amount of words. This will support the exchange of outcomes and help schools to work in tandem across Europe. A project wiki will offer a space for schools to connect with each other and showcase their ideas and outcomes freely. The vidumath ideas will be spread within European teacher workshops and courses as well as online. Our existing promotion expertise with popular online platforms will guarantee that hundreds of thousands of European educators will hear about the project and its results. The project will work on a cross-platform promotion campaign and rely on Facebook pages, YouTube playlists and channels, Twitter, LinkedIn and additional social platforms. The integration of the outcomes on open platforms will make sure that vidumath will have a long-running and sustainable home (The project will of course take appropriate care that privacies are respected. The children’s work and not the children themselves will be represented). We are excited about this project’s potential and are anticipating triggering a wider movement of interest in and for mathematics around Europe.

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