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Video delavnice "Sobivanje raznolikih svetov"
Start date: Sep 1, 2008,

Project "Video workshops Coexisting of diverse worlds" will take place in Ljubljana in the period between 1.9.2008 and 31.8.2009. It will be performed by an informal group of 6 young participants with diverse cultural, social, ethnic, religious and economical backgrounds (most of them are homeless) in collaboration with the Association for help and self-help of homeless people Kings of the Street. It consists of following activities: video workshops; publication of 10 articles presenting the project (published in street paper Kings of the Street); publication and distribution of promotional leaflets; preparation of DVD with (self)presentational video clips; DVD's distribution which will enable partial economic integration of homeless people, organization of seminar for dissemination of the results and working methods.The central thematic focus of the project is social exclusion and homelessness and various related phenomenas: migration, homeless women, use and abuse of legal and illegal drugs etc. Its main proposes are: non-formal education; encouraging cultural, social and economical participation and inclusion of people with fewer opportunities and enabling their artistic self-realization and enforcement; promoting intercultural dialogue; solidarity; tolerance and young people's active citizenship; empowerment of socially excluded people, etc. The project includes following work methods: team work, individual work, field work, work in pairs, peer coaching, non- formal learning, dialogue, participation, experimental learning, learning by doing.

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