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Vídeo-CLIL: Storytelling y tecnologías emergentes como estrategias motivadoras y de inclusión
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

VIDEO-CLIL: STORYTELLING AND EMERGENT TECHNOLOGIES AS INCLUSIVE, MOTIVATING STRATEGIES. The intended aims of the present project, briefly explained, are the following: - Increase the quality of teaching-learning processes. - Boost the introduction of the new technologies in class. - Deepen and develop the feeling of belonging to the European Union. - Improve the students and teachers' language competences. These aims arise and motivate a kind of work which has been being carried out in our centre; it is a secondary school located in Mislata (Valencia), with 49 teachers, a social educator and a special educator for the assistance of disabled students, all of whom are in charge of 423 students altogether. The centre is involved in the development of new projects focused on innovation, the use of new technologies and plurilingual teaching; it has participated in the Finnish project Finnable 2020, in collaboration with the University of Helsinki, and has also taken part in virtual exchanges with other countries as Greece and Singapour. It collaborates with the research group LabHuman of the Politechnic University of Valencia as well, and with the InnovaTE group of the Catholic University of Valencia, so as to study the potential of the Increased and Virtual Reality. Moreover, during the current academic year the French and ICT departments have started three eTwinning projects with centres in France, Greece and Lithuania. There are a lot of teachers working within these outlines, however, nine of these have shown a decisive will to be included in the project: - eight permanent teachers who participate in the different international projects (among them, the headmistress). - a CEFIRE consultant that also collaborates in this project. The Management Team of the school has the firm will to boost the project and take part in it; as can be seen through the intention of doing a jobshadowing in Lithuania in order to observe the management and leading practice in schools. We wish to immerse oneselves in those project activities which are closely related to the new technologies, the European construction and a plurilingual education. We have already been working on the intention to introduce new technologies (especially through storytelling, with which some experiences have already been had) or the increased reality, which we understand a key to the educational, social integration of disabled students (our school has been appointed as a “special centre for the integration of disabled pupils”). The activities in our project which we would like to be financed are: - Jobshadowing in the Kedainiai Sviesioji Gymnasium (Lithuania) to observe a good practice in the use of the ICTs and school management. - Jobshadowing in the Vaskivuoren Iukio (Finland), to observe their experience in storytelling, putting the new technologies into practice. - Presentation in the international ICEIT 2017 congress: XV International Conference on Educational and Instructional Technology, which will take place in Stockholm (Sweden) in July 2017. - Participation in structured English courses to improve the level of the teachers’ language competence. Throughout the project we would like to centre our observation and learning in: - The design and focus of various activities within the field of the emergent technologies. - The ways to collaborate among schools and other entities (like universities) in these kinds of projects. - The research, instruction, application and spreading of this kind of practice. We are interested in the observation and common sharing with our European associates of the different aspects of school organization, curriculum, space distribution, teachers’ training, school equipment, relationships with Universities and training centres for teachers. The results we expect to achieve with the development of this project will affect the following areas: - A development of the ICTs use. - Language and European awareness levels. - Integration and inclusion, especially for disabled students or those on the brim of social exclusion. We believe the long term benefits will be evident in: - An intercultural knowledge of the distinct European regions. - A consequent improvement of the understanding of the European dimension. - An improvement of the educational quality at school. - An improvement of the English language competence that will allow our school its inclusion at a medium term in the Web of Plurilingual Centres of the Valencian Community (established by the ORDER 19/2011, April the 5th, of the Conselleria de Educación). - An increase in the students’ motivation and its influence in their academic and personal development.
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