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Vertiefung der Professionalisierung im ScienceCenter-Netzwerk durch internationalen Austausch
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The non-profit association ScienceCenter-Netzwerk has a strategic role as a hub inside the Austrian community of interactive science communication. Its focus is research, training, dissemination and documentation of science center activities in order to analyze the potential of these activities and support their Austrian-wide usage. For the organization to efficiently serve this role as an active node in the Austrian and international networks, it needs staff with excellent knowledge about the international state-of-the-art development of science centers and informal learning. The organization needs to be well known and connected with international partners. This is also essential in view of the association being an important organization for trainings in Austria for various target groups (education system, students, teachers, scientists, explainers, museums and science mediators). Strategically, the association aims to strenghten the competences for organizing and realizing inclusive science communication offers (esp. with temporary, "pop-up" activities), for "citizen science" and mediation by active scientists as well as for research and evaluation of informal learning. The aim of the current project is thus to systematically deepen the competences of employees through a series of study visits, trainings and build contacts to experienced international partners. Participants will be staff of the core team, working on interactive science mediation, teaching, development and communication as well as explainers who serve as part-time staff for various activities of the association. The plan includes six mobilities, five short-time and one 2-month study visit. Expected results are the qualification of staff, transfer of knowledge inside the (broader) team and implementation into ongoing activities. Moreover, methods and skills will be disseminated through the Austrian network with its 150 partners as well as through teaching and trainings. A long-term benefit of the mobility activities will be the increased international profile of the organization ScienceCenter-Netzwerk, which is expected to manifest itself in intensified international collaboration, especially through EU-funded projects.

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