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Vers des formations professionnalisantes en Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The French national decree (28/12/2015) recalls 2 European objectives:- that at least 6% of 18-34 age group, having obtained a EFP qualification do part of their studying or training abroad- reduce to under 10% the number of school dropouts“Taking into account the high unemployment rate, particularly amongst the young, the possibility to obtain a complementary experience elsewhere in Europe on work experience (…) Having exchanges between teachers and European managers and discovering, thanks to strategic international partnerships, new solutions for training which are more than ever necessary today.” Reims regional education authority has been active since 2010 in the trial committee of the European network EREIVET ( Its aim is to create common tools and operating systems to improve mobility in vocational training as far as both in quality and quantity. As school members were kept regularly involved, informed and encourage to participate in various activities of the European network through the DAREIC, working as a team had already been instaured (such as participating in the redaction of a framework for vocational training to be validated whilst on training in either the health, social or commercial area). The creation of an optional mobility credit for the vocational baccalaureate has been the occasion for the 7 schools to advance on their mobility project.With the tools and the devices in place, the consortium ‘Towards Professional Training in Europe” makes working together easier so as to gain in efficiency and quality. There is also a will to create a first impulse of setting up a project so as to encourage other schools in the region to multiply mobility opportunities by deposing an application for an Erasmus+ program. It is essential in our region that mobility in vocational training be encouraged.In our local education authority , mobility in EFP must be stimulated , to do so the consortium will participle to actions such as the 30th professional baccalaureate pro anniversary, to “my vocational education in Europe” as well as CRIJ information sessions will be organized”.The main objective of the 7 schools is to enhance the attractiveness of vocational training thanks to a wider range of work placement abroad in their school projects. The students are mainly from poor rural areas and are mainly doing vocational or technical baccalaureate in various field (health; care, car mechanics, etc).The teaching staff is composed of English teachers but also professional and technical teachers. All of them are motivated by developing their teacher skills and developing the school’s ability through mobility placement abroad particularly in Europe.The 2 years project will allow 15 teachers, 97 students and 35 integration guides to be professionally mobile.Erasmus+ Key 1 mobility programs cover the activities proposed (staff training abroad, teaching mission/work experience in professional areas or in vocational organizations).Such a consortium must be managed with flexibility and transparent. The logical framework being that, despite different professional domains, all 7 schools have similar needs. Financial support has been given by GIP FC and the DAREIC has given administrative help. Regular communication between members is necessary for its success. The choice of a 2 years contract scheme enables us to propose the scheme to more students and to other professional sectors and to other schools to allow them to adopt the same method. Over the 2 years period, the 7 schools will share tools and contacts so as to give meaning to the consortium and to enable a maximum of students to benefit from European mobility.As far as the students are concerns, mobility will enable them to develop their skills and professional capacities, improve their linguistic abilities and widen their cultural awareness on the professionalization of their skills.Different indicators (such as exam success at the baccalaureate level, optional mobility credit, or dropouts levels in schools) will enable us to see the results of this mobility project.
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