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Verdieping vaardigheden en programma-uitbreiding
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

At our school we’ve been teaching 15% of the lessons in English, from group 1, since 2009. As a team we are all devoted to doing this in the most engaging and effective manner possible. In order to achieve this objective, many members of our team requested to participate in programs to develop their own English proficiency and strategies for teaching in English. That was the catalyst for signing up for this project. Our project involved traveling with 15 classroom teachers to England to participate in English and CLIL teacher training. Some of the teachers went to Pilgrims in Canterbury to focus on English in the Early years, while the rest attended a course in Broadstairs at Language UK, learning about how to integrate English into the content areas. Throughout the course we participated in workshops to refresh our knowledge about lanugage development, . We gained practical, hands on ideas and activities to do in the class, did drama workshops and took part in school visits . We also took part in cultural events such as city tours, trips to a museum and tours of a catherdral. These events, as well as the course itself, daily interaction and interaction with our host families were all in English. The use and exposure to English an entire week long improved everyone’s speaking ability and confidence in speaking English which is one of the most important long-term benefits of the trip.
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