Search for European Projects

Verbeteren van de kwaliteitszorg op school in een internationale context door het verder uitbouwen van een management plan.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Petrus & Paulus campus west is a technical and vocational secondary school in Oostende, Belgium. The increasing cultural diversity of our students with different interests and social backgrounds creates a challenge for all departments and levels of the school. There is a need for a creative approach to research and optimise gaps in our current system. Despite the efforts already made, we still haven't found a satisfying answer for the changing position the school is facing at the moment. In order to meet that need, we did a lot of research on the internet if there were any courses out there that could yield a fresh view and a new injection of knowledge and competency for our school. We decided to choose the courses 'Teach, Learn and Quality' and 'Diversity in Education', 2 seminars of 6 days each in Lisbon. Both seminars will be attended by 2 members of staff each. Those members of staff are teachers but besides that they are strongly involved in different workteams who shape the policies of the school. This duality seems to be a capital value because the people who will be attending the seminars, can consider the problematic issues at school from 2 different points of view. We decided to choose the above mentioned seminars because of the fact that the organiser provides information and applications dealing with a number of quality management instruments we see immediately implementable in our school. On top of that, in addition to gaining the necessary know-how, we would like to exchange experiences and learn from the approach in other European countries (in particular with regard to integral quality and cultural diversity but also more broadly). We see it as a must in our current society to look beyond the narrow borders of our region because we strongly believe that such a cross-fertilization not only will increase the professional competencies of our members of staff who will attend the seminars but also will create a measurable quality injection for the entire school setting. On top of that we are confident that, besides what's mentioned above, participating in a European co-operation project will make the gap inbetween the different cultural backgrounds a lot smaller. The seminars aren't meant to be a goal, but are a tool to make a measurable difference on the management level. We will translate and apply the gained knowledge and insights on our own school schoolsituation and disseminate these afterwards on management level and towards the teaching staff. On top of that, we would like to assess and improve the degree of adequacy of our workteam through SWOT-analyses. Through a survey of both pupils and teachers dealing with their well-being at school, we would like to evaluate the long-term impact. Depending on the outcome, we will then adjust the changes or anchor the improvements.

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