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Verbesserung der Qualität des Englischunterrichts, besonders in Bezug auf individuelle Förderung von heterogenen Lerngruppen.
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Description of the school: As a bilingual secondary school we are facing an increasing heterogenity of our students. In order to cope with this situation and to develop new teaching plans, our staff is looking for new ideas. We are nine English teachers, but five among them are career changers. Because of this special situation the English staff sees the need for a further qualification of their members concerning the individual speaking skills, the motivation of the students and the methods of teaching English as a foreign language. As described above, we have developed a new concept for the bilingual education at our school and now we are interested in new input. There are no longer bilingual classes, but two extra lessons in English for all our students in form 5. In form 6 talented students can choose a bilingual preparation course which offers them a more thorough insight into what bilingual education means. They only then decide for a more intensive bilingual education in the following years. In recent years this has led to more and more students with a migration background choosing the bilingual branch. Nevertheless this bilingual preparation course in grade 6 remains a challenge for our English staff as we have to prepare several topics of different subjects in English, e.g. Biology, Art, Geography or History. Aim of the project: The aim of our project is to improve the individual language and speaking skills of the participants, to heighten the motivation of the colleagues, especially concerning new teaching methods, to prepare the English staff for the bilingual course and to start an exchange with other teachers about dealing with heterogenity of students. The teaching and learning of English as a foreign language is the main aspect, but we also seek a greater cultural awareness and appreciation of attitudes and cultures of other European countries and a greater knowledge of the British (or other European) Educational System. Number and profile of the participants: The English department of our school has chosen three participants who are responsible for different aspects of teaching English as a foreign language. Mrs Gladczak coordinates the bilingual section of our school and teaches Geography bilingually. Mrs Harder teaches History as a bilingual subject and works for the training on the jobs and the students' participation (head of „SV“). Mrs Korneffel is representative of the English department and coordinates all cultural aspects and workshops at our school. We expect that all participants can successfully invest their individual interests and strengths in the teachers' course. Planned activity: The aforementioned teachers will take part in the 'Two week course for European teachers of English at secondary level, focus on Scotland, UK' in Dunfermline, Scotland, from Sunday 20 July to Friday 01 August 2014 organised by International Studies Programmes, UK. Organisation of the project: The English department studied the different institutions offering teachers' courses in the UK by PAD on their website and we chose International Studies Programmes because of their more than 30 years of experience in organising teacher development courses for European Ministries of Education. It is an experienced provider of European Union funded programmes in the UK. ISP organises the course, the housing, presents material and information and documents the participation. The English department of our school is involved in the preparation and evaluation of the teachers' course. Results and effects: As shown in the projects' aims we hope to get results on different levels, especially concerning the motivation of students and an improved handling of the heterogenity of our students. We are very much interested in improving the special situation of our English department with more than half of the staff being career changers. It is also planned to improve the curricula and to upgrade the basic school objectives with the help of the new educational methods. We will be linked with the regional secondary schools, our partner school in France, the local companies as partners of our school and the cultural department to exchange our experiences with them. Longterm effects: With respect to the school's development we see the possibility of improving the quality as a longterm effect. The expected skills of our students with regard to their future jobs or society in general are increasing continuously. These demands are a challenge for our school, especially for the bilingual education. Students with good language skills have to be supported even more so that they can make good use of their extra skills to succeed in the world of work. Because of the opening and expansion of Europe it is not only important with respect to economic aspects, but also to cultural ones to improve our students' foreign language skills. That is why we are planning to work on this aspect in the future.

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