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Βέλτιστες Πρακτικές Συγκριτικής Αξιολόγησης (Best Practices Benchmarking)
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

COURSE TITLE: Best practices Benchmarking. COURSE PROVIDER: Euneos Corp. Finland. PARTICIPANT ORGANISATION: 13th Intermediate School of Larissa - Hellas. NUMBER OF PARTICIPANT TEACHERS: 5. - Teacher of physics - assistant director will further develop the school policy plan. - Teacher of Greek literature will be responsible for innovation in his subject. - Teacher of maths will be in charge of KA2 application (Strategic partnership project e.t.c.). - Teacher of ICT will be responsible to meet partners to set up common projects, communicate with them and exchange ideas and experiences. - Teacher of innovative projects will lead the team of innovation. BENCHMARKING OBJECTIVES: - Innovative development. - Our school has not enough experience how today's key competences, such as 21st century skills, could be taught to students. - Our school wants: to learn about “best practices”, i.e. how work is organized in other schools and what up-to-date learning premises might look like in practical life to improve the quality of teaching, studying and learning processes in our school, develop our work organization better and to explore how classrooms are or should be organized. - Our schools wants to achieve a higher level of competences for school staff. - Our school therefore needs (more) qualified staff that can: • develop a vision and chapters in school policy plan on innovation. • create standing structures and models for innovation in school / institution. • facilitate school or institution for digital transformation. • accommodate the importance of technology in education and how this affects teaching and learning. • introduce teachers, head-teachers and ICT coordinators in schools to concepts, tools and exchanges about digital learning. • organize and advance in-service training of staff both online and on-site, for example by means of MOOCs given by the EU, benchmarking and digital apprenticeship. • arrange different activities with stakeholders, such as homes, local enterprises, municipality. • ensure the quality of the projects and link them to the curriculum. • stimulate the streamlining of curricular elements with an innovative orientation. • apply successfully for grants within the Erasmus plus programme. • communicate and collaborate with domestic partners and partners abroad to keep up with advancement. SUBJECTS - TOPICS: - School development (syllabus / policy plan). - Transition to digital (Tablet in education...). - In-house training. - Special education. - Other (student support, management, curriculum...). PROGRAMME: Sunday: Welcome. Meeting with the course provider / partners. Monday: Publish the syllabus / development plan of your school in digital format online adding comments on topics of your interest. Tuesday: Add new paragraphs and draft other changes into syllabus / development plan. Wednesday: Create and write down a future vision for your syllabus / development plan. Thursday: Write and publish a text online how your topic is handled with in foreign schools compared to your own school. Friday: Report on useful observations and reflections you made during your course. Fill in the official report for your National Agency. METHODOLOGY: - Observation of lessons in classrooms, in groups. - Presentations. - Discussion. - Workshop on-site and on-line. OUTCOMES OF BENCHMARKING: - Conceipt of standing structures for innovation. - Team of qualified innovation leaders. - High quality formats of innovative projects. - European network - Erasmus+ application KA2. - Innovative dimension of the curriculum. - Intercultural competences. - Europass as certificate.

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