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Βελτίωση της εκπαιδευτικής διαδικασίας μέσα από νέες μεθόδους διδασκαλίας και προσέγγισης των μαθητών και με την βοήθεια της τεχνολογίας.
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school is a regional lyceum which caters to the educational requirements of communities with a variety of characteristics and needs as well as economic immigrants residing in the area. The project concerns the improvement of the learning process through new teaching methods and approaches and the aid of technology. It is the outcome of the need to upgrade the methods already used at the school and safeguard quality in both teaching and other school activities. It is also the result of the need to boost cohesion, cooperation, mutual understanding and team spirit at school. On behalf of our school, at a first stage, six teachers will participate in the project by attending the seminars «Group Dynamics and Social Skills in the Classroom”, "Using E-Learning in the classroom" and "Video education and production". The seminar «Group Dynamics and Social Skills in the Classroom”, offered by the organization European Bridges Consulting, will provide knowledge and experiences relevant to social skills and the creation of well-functioning work groups through action methods and cooperative learning. The seminar "Using E-Learning in the classroom", offered by the organization ITC International, will provide practical ideas as to how technology can be incorporated into the learning process. The seminar “Video education and production", offered by the organization Kulturring in Berlin e.V., will equip teachers to incorporate the production of video into the educational process. At a second stage, the whole school will become involved in the process, with the implementation of the above methods in the classrooms and the school activities. The participating teachers possess the necessary expertise to be able to attend the seminars, implement and disseminate the knowledge and skills acquired, both within and outside the school. Through demo lessons and workshops they will target the improvement and use of innovative teaching methods in all subject areas as well as the creation of a positive learning environment. In this way we will achieve better academic results and cultivate the personalities of our students as well as tolerance of the diversity that exists in our school so as to contribute to the creation of active, efficient and sensitive European citizens.

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