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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The realization of project " It’s important to know! " want to introduce youth with: the ' Peer education' ; Promotion of voluntary initiatives ; How to lead a healthy way of life ; How to be active in society; How to upgrade and perfecting " their personal I" ; cultural differences that offer different countries and their experience of volunteering. Objectives that are chasing higher awareness of youth on issues that affect them directly namely: health topics; tolerance among young people; significant motivation for volunteering; their way of life and the right to choose how he proceed; team building; work in networking; Out-reach; learning through entertainment; media work; tackling discrimination; integration of young people in disadvantaged position in society; to unite students and working together to participate in joint activities, significant not only for them but for all of us. The project will include participants from four countries ( Bulgaria , Italy , Malta and Spain). Each country will send ten members aged from 18 to 30 years old and the total number during the exchange is 40 participants. The seminar will be held in the village of Cherni Osam " Stoychovata House" from 25.09.2015 until 03.10.2015. The project includes topics on healthy living - includes regular exercise, balanced diet and adequate fluid intake. Activities related to volunteering - through them apply non formal education , perform volunteer work as a way to achieve goals (volunteer recruitment, advertising, surveys, health promotion, information on the rights of people and fundraising). An important part of the project theme will be the discussion of youth unemployment. Visits to cultural sites and demonstration of local crafts aims to encourage young people to learn about some of the most important tourist places and way of life in the region. Included RPGs of tolerance and discussions on various topics in the exchange program will help participants to improve their social skills and resolving problem situations. Will use the "Peer Education" as a way to present the information available on the target groups. Another key element is conducting voluntary initiatives in the Troyan. During the exchange will create a "Collection of voluntary practices - 2015", which will help to promote volunteering among young people. What we will try to convey to young people is that anyone can acquire knowledge in planning, organizing, analyzing and implementation of voluntary initiatives. We will show them how to: presented a problem for the audience; to work in a team; live healthy; assert their opinions; take constructive solutions. One of the most important things that we will present how to use the "Peer Education" through volunteering initiatives, seminars and trainings. The anticipated impact, we expect to receive after the project is: organizations to implement projects related to the EVS, which will improve the capacity of performance in each partner; Improving the knowledge among young people of the region on topics addressed in the program exchange; Promotion of Troyan Municipality among foreigners; Joining young people in the region to associate and apply for EU funding. Awareness of adolescent man shows his high culture , we aim to inform people so they can make good decisions - important for their lives. Participation in this exchange demonstrates the need for a person to develop, pursue life goals and to assert their right to free individual.
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3 Partners Participants