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Values -Treasure and Challenge for Europe's Youth
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Values provide support and help people to find their way in life. Values are not only taught within families but due to changing society especially kindergartens and schools must be increasingly active in this area. The cultural formation at our schools becomes more and more heterogeneous due to migration. That's why our pupils should be aware what Europe means and what common core values we all share. The displacement of traditional values is the cause of many problems in all partners' schools: For declining pupils' achievements, lack of sense of community, poor sense of responsibility. Too many pupils don't follow rules, are intolerant, there is a lack in determination to respect other people and things and in single-mindedness. This leads also to premature school leaving without adequate qualification. Too many pupils are not well enough prepared for challenges of life after leaving school. For too many pupils it's a shock when they start vocational education, when they realize that turning up too late at the workplace, rude behaviour, unsatisfactory performance, avoidable mistakes due to lack of interest in the matter will no longer be tolerated. For our underachieving pupils, who already have problems gaining an apprenticeship at all, it's especially a problem when due to such behaviour and attitudes they won't finish school or carelessly cancel their training. We want to enable our pupils to master an active, them personally satisfying life as European citizens by attaining certain attitudes. We want to empower them to approach other people openly and respectfully and not just to think that their own views are the measure of all things. Pupils of Kindergarten, Primary School and Lower Secondary Level are our target group. Five schools will be partners. The coordinating institute is Stadtteilschule Arheilgen (Darmstadt/Germany) a Cooperative Comprehensive School for pupils aged 10 to 15. It has an integration class for new pupils with no or hardly any knowledge of German due to their migrant background. They get extra training in German so that after some time they will be able to take part in mainstream lessons. Scoala Primara Hänsel und Gretel (Iasi/Romania) is a newly established school under construction with so far classes for age 2 to 5 (Kindergarten), Preschool (age 6), class 1 (age 7), in 2015 class 2 (age 8) will start. Huseyin Ozer Merzeci Ortaokulu (Mersin/Turkey) is a Primary School for children age 7 to 14 and two Kindergarten classes. Zakladni skola Tomase Garrigua Masaryka (Blansko/Czech Republic) offers primary and upper primary education for age 6 to 15, Private Secondary School Drita (Sofia/Bulgaria) is a Comprehensive School with Kindergarten and classes 1 to 12. The partners are located in different cultural environments. The catchment areas vary from a more rural environment to small town as well as medium sized and large cities. The tasks will be adapted to age and abilities of participating pupils. By our cooperation we will elaborate pupil-centered approaches and methods to support our pupils practicing positive behaviour and attitudes. By making observations, discussions, sketching/practicing/performing plays, logo/writing/drawing/slogan competitions, setting of targets, exercises of training concentration, designing motivation-memos, physical persistence activities, inviting people to school to tell about their life, visiting religious institutions and e.g. old people’s homes for jointly activities, writing poems, preoccupation with other cultures/bullying/Facebook, preparing a film and more we will enable our pupils to train during first term keeping rules, second term showing willingness to make efforts, third term showing each other respect and appreciation and fourth term acting responsible. We will have three Transnational Project Meetings and two Learning/Teaching/Training Activities. Final result will be a manual (folders) "Exercising values at Kindergarten and school", an online-manual edition in English and a project website. A plaque with project logo for our school halls and photo walls at each partner school with photos showing the project's progress at all partners’ institutions and to raise awareness of the transnational cooperation. We will get stories, paintings, poems, videos and more. We will ensure free access to our final product and free use. A very important result will be changes in thinking and acting of our pupils. Our pupils will take more responsibility for themselves and their actions. They will be aware of how important it is to observe certain values in order to achieve individual goals. They will acquire skills for a personally satisfying life as active European citizens. We will have learned how to use eTwinning. Exercising values and attitudes will become part of our school curricula and thereby the results of our project will be continuously used and supplemented after the project ended.

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4 Partners Participants