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Start date: Aug 31, 2016, End date: Aug 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project VALUE, that will last 12 months, submitted by “Istituto Tecnico Industriale Renato Elia”, it comes from the need of developing a new educational approaches in order to satisfy the complex and diversified training needs arising from a problematic and articulated local and school context, in wich coexist excellence and disadvantage, innovation and tradition, integration and marginalization.The aim of the project is to develop digital and innovative methods and work tools, for the personalized training design and implementation, that respond to divers needs,aimed at promoting excellence, but at the same time inclusive for foreign, with learning disabilities and coming from disadvantaged backgrounds students.The aim is also to contribute to the professional development of teachers and staff and to project the organisations in a European dimension, through the adoption of innovative teaching methods (CLIL teaching, cooperative learning, metacognitive teaching, problem solving, case resolution ) and advanced technological tools (LIM, e-learning).To achieve these objectives, seven teachers of technical subjects from Elia Institute will participate for 15 days (excluding travel days) in structured courses, guided tours and events relating to the robotica in Dublin, at the English partner “Language in Group"; Thirteen teachers with instrumental functions and organizational positions will participate ,instead, in workshops and jobshadowing activities , for 15 days (excluding travel days), in London, at the partner "Language Stays".To enhance the achievement of objectives and the full enhancement, from participants, of benefits and avatages from the initiative, Elia Institute will carry ,before departure , n orientation session for participants (4 hours), an intercultural preparation (8 hours) and a language course (16 hours).the elements that will characterize the implementation methodology of the project will be: efficient communication, clear division of tasks among the partners involved in the project, tools and working methods sharing, monitoring and continuous and multidimensional valuation and precise strategy of results dissemination and exploitation .At the end of mobility teachers will be able to: prepare programs focused on robotica, identifying attractive and innovative content; make efficient use of tools and digital media (LIM and e-learning resources) to enhance the participants learning process ; to communicate fluently in English, using with relevance and appropriateness morphosyntactic structures and lexical techniques, in order to introduce into graduation courses the CLIL methodology ;to adopt tools and teaching strategies (case history - resolution of cases - problem solving- cooperative learning - teaching metacognitive) that will develop in learners key competences, such as learning to learn and a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; to develop training programs inclusive, suitable to facilitate the students with Special Educational Needs learning process.These results will have significant impacts on teachers, whose expertise will be enhanced thanks to the acquired technical and language skills, and on Institute that , in this way, will offer to its students training programs that reflect their needs and it will extend its horizons, with its international contacts acquired through VALUE, to an international dimension. In the future all this will bring to the students of Institute improvement of the learning outcomes and to the implementation of curricular and extracurricular activities abroad and to the increase of young graduates employability .
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