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ValidVol: validation of key competences in voluntary service organizations
Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

The project “ValidVol validation of key competences in voluntary service organizations” intends to capitalize on significant experiences made across Europe on validation of non formal and informal learning through volunteering and develop a tool specifically addressed to validate the key competences acquired by senior volunteers during their volunteering. Volunteering can provide to the volunteers an important non formal learning experience opportunity which can “bridge” the volunteers towards the labour market. In fact, as it is widely agreed, volunteering experiences generate knowledge and wider competences, such as the key competences, but at the same time in many cases such skills remain “invisible”. This leads to the problem of assessing or accrediting skills and competences learned through volunteering and, thus, raising awareness on the contribution volunteering can make to reduce social exclusion and to enhance employability. The target group of the ValidVol project is adult persons over 50 doing volunteering and wishing to reinforce their employability, either because they are pensioners, under employed or unemployed. The project tangible results will be the validation system of key competences acquired by adult volunteers during their volunteering and the handbook on how to apply the validation system in volunteer associations. The project intangible results can be identified in a better recognition that volunteering is a “natural” learning environment, a complement to formal education and training. Through the recognition of key competences acquired through the volunteering experience, it will make its learning outcome more visible. In addition, the project contributes to equipping senior citizens with competences that they need in order to cope with changes in society. The partnership is composed by 5 organisations from 5 different European countries: UniTS in IT, BFI in AT, KMOP in EL, Agora in ES, and University of Wales, Newport in UK.
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