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VALBUK: Valuing prior Learning, Building QualificationsApplying the VQTS Model to let adult qualification pathways in the cleaning sector be more attractive and flexible

In the majority of EU countries, data on access to lifelong learning and trends of unemployment provide a clear evidence of risks of exclusion engendered by the lack of a recognized qualification. Migrants are clearly over represented amongst groups at risk of exclusion, due to the low level of recognition of prior learning outcomes and qualifications achieved in their countries of origin, to difficulties encountered in finding an apprenticeship and last but not least to the complexity and rigidity of qualification pathways enabling adults recovery an initial Vet qualification, also considering validation of prior learning outcomes. The project aims at implementing and using ECVET principles in order to facilitate access to lifelong learning and qualifications of migrant workers. The project addressed a specific and emblematic sector – defined by the occupations included in the area of cleaning services in which many not qualified migrants (especially women) actually work both in Switzerland and all over Europe. From this point of view the project reached results of the utmost importance for all the partner countries, contributing at enhancing transparency and access to lifelong learning at the EU level.The project has been developed by a Consortium, including the main stakeholders of CVT sector in Switzerland, the "owner" of the original model (3S - Austria) and a qualified network of institutions dealing with qualification systems, ECVET and validation of prior learning in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Slovenia.The project addressed the following strategic aims:• facilitate the understanding and application of ECVET by VET stakeholders in Switzerland and in the partner countries;• identify and test practical solutions intended to facilitate the development of innovative practices in VET, using ECVET and validation of non-formal and informal learning;• develop and disseminate strategies and approaches coherent with the above mentioned framework, valuing a powerful model - VQTS - developed in Austria and actually used in many EU projects as a benchmark for implementing ECVET principles.Operational objectives of the project were:• adopt the VQTS Matrix ( in order to compare existing qualifications in the cleaning services sector, define a shared competence Matrix declined in units of learning outcomes (areas of competences), EQF levels and steps of development of the competences on the basis of complexity of knowledge and skills, autonomy and responsibility, related to activities included in the Matrix;• define and test the Guidelines, and related procedures, for the completion of a flexible and modular qualification pathway based on the Matrix • develop operational partnerships involving stakeholders and key actors of the above mentioned sector, in order to test and consolidate the achievements, raising awareness of ECVET potentialities.
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