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Utplassering 2016 - 2018
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was to provide apprentices, instructors/teacher and staff at Opplæringskontoret an opportunity to acquire knowledgeand skills abroad. It be culture, higher morale, more pride, respect for other cultures, professional skills, self-development, establishcontacts abroad and motivation to share their knowledge with others, this is some of the skills we what we want them to be left with. The coal is that project participants complete their training with a greater understanding of their professions, using theirknowledge and spreading it to others, have increased motivation to stand longer in their discipline and be a great ambassador forhis professions. The coal of applying for the instructors /teachers and staff are to increase their professional competence, theirmotivation to develop more professional and motivating others to participate in Erasmus+ projects.Generally, we want to get more people to undertake their education with a certificate as final qualification, and as a basis for highereducation. Within the education program Service and Samferdsel are all too many students who are uncertain and not clearly seethe goal of education. Giving these a broader basis, we believe is positive for education, and the participants in the project will putthe profession in a new and positive perspective. Going to another country, experience new cultures and see other ways topracticing sales, experience how important service is the profession, move abroad, try, fail and become more independent. Itbelieves we will create safer workers, a greater understanding of the profession and not least pride.Restaurants professions are struggling with high turnover and low average age. Giving the young this possibility is important for thehotel and restaurant industry that gets good and motivated employees, who will stand longer in the subject. We have good resultsfrom previous results. Companies are also positive to give the youngster the opportunity for this.We are applying for:- Mobilize 12 apprentices divided between France and the Czech Republic a 3 month.- Mobilize two apprentices to France a 6 month.Opplæringskontoret will convey Erasmus+ project to relevant participants via e-mail to apprentices and instructors/teachers. We willfollow up with an information meeting about the project, selecting mobility participants in collaboration with their instructors.Signing agreements and undergo practical things around the mobilization. Follow up participants via phone, e-mail, social mediaand through our partners.OSS & RM has a total of about 100 current contracts. We are in the fortunate situation that we have many apprenticeships and werarely get crowded corporate needs in relation to apprentices. If we can offer a stay abroad is good quality assured, we believe thatthere will be more applicants and more apprenticeships. This is often candidates that companies are searching for, but that does notalways choose to go into apprenticeships. OSS & RM has extensive experience of follows closely, also via a digital Kompetansebok,which is built on VG3 curricula. OSS & RM has had good experience with Leonardo project earlier. Now we initially selected CzechRepublic for apprentices in sales and service, and this has even been down to quality assured. Our contact Martin Karlik has been ourcolleagues in Apprentice Kompaniet in North Trøndelag representative and partner for many years. There has only been positivefeedback from both participants and companies. France has a long and positive relationship with, and we see that it has a positiveimpact on participants and they come home with new inspiration and desire to continue and build on their subject.Opplæringskontoret now have some experience of mobility projects and general cooperation with partners abroad. There has beengreat interest in Erasmus+ project that we received for 2014-2016 and 2015 - 2017. Project participants we then were granted is nearly already "used".
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