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Utiliser l'anglais en tant que vecteur de communication plutôt qu'en tant qu'objet d'étude
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1. The Primary school has 15 classes, 14 of which are taught English by 7 teachers who have been especially accredited to teach English. 2. The demands aim at developing the use of English and the understanding of geometrical concepts -as a school project- and generally aim at enhancing ICT usage (new ICT suite) 3. Aims : through the use of English, the project aims at developing cross-curricular links, promote cooperation between pupils and to open up to other European cultures. 4. Two teachers who have taught English in all year groups in the primary school are extremely motivated to enhance their language skills as well as discover and train with new and different learning tools and methods 5. The success of this project lies on the communication and cooperation between the teaching team and the many various partners on the one hand, and the opportunity to develop the school's potential to welcome European differences and cultures on the other. We hope that this project will be the starting point for many future cross-cultural projects. 6. The underlying thread of this project is to move the language out of the classroom by fostering cross-curricular links, enhanced by pedagogical tools which aim at promoting authentic communications scenario. as such, cooperation and communication between students of all levels will be the main focus in order to allow the promotion of language-learning as well as an openness towards other cultures. 7 For instance, we aim at developing a curriculum -in non-linguistic subjects- through and with the medium of English (geometry, PE) - find pen friends to allow students to communicate with English-speaking classes and, when appropriate, using ICT to communicate and exchange as well as to perform cyber-hunts, research, fact-finding events, planning and delivering games in English, preparing punctual events using English as the mode of communication -i.e. explaining and promoting events currently existing in the English calendar and creating activities around it 8. This project is multi-faceted. Indeed, on the one hand, this project will enable our students to be offered the opportunity to deepen their language skills in their English lesson but also discretely, in other subjects. On the other hand, we also hope that this project will promote their open-mindedness to European culture. Beyond these objectives, we also aim to increase the provision of the authentic situation to allow students to develop their language skills as well as their use and expertise in using ICT. 9. The long-term objectives of this project aim at developing further links and promote further projects thanks to the opportunities and network created by this original project. The over-arching objectives will remain a long-term improvement of the pedagogy for teaching English, the expertise of those accredited to do so and to promote the importance of language-learning in a cross-curricular setting. By teaching English discretely and in a variety of subjects, we will offer a wider range of opportunities for authentic situations, enhancing higher thinking skills by delivering a subject in a different language.
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