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Усвояване на нови знания и европейски практики в сферата на системите за управление от обучителите на ТЕХНИКЪЛ ТРЕЙНИНГ БЪЛГАРИЯ
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Overall objective of the project “Acquiring new knowledge and practices in the field of management systems by TEHNIKAL TRAINING BULGARIA LTD. Trainers” is to enhance the expertise and practical experience of 12 trainers in the field of management systems, in terms of innovative methods, approaches and practices for conducting of training courses for “Internal auditors” and “Management representative”. To achieve the goal, five specific objectives are defined: 1) Increasing competencies, knowledge and experience of 12 participants in the field of trainings for “Internal auditors” and “Management representative” according to the specifics and requirements of management systems by conducting 14 daily practice at D.eA. S.r.l .; 2) Increasing the opportunities for individual and professional development of the participants on the Bulgarian and European labor market; 3) Enriching the cultural experience and language skills of the users and their experience for working in a multicultural environment by conducting mobility; 4) Gaining confidence in the transmission of new knowledge and skills among customers by applying best practices of the partnering organization; 5) Expand the portfolio of training courses offered by TTB Ltd. Participants in the educational mobility are 12 adults - Trainers in the company. They are qualified and experienced staff, but they have needs to increase their knowledge and skills in the specifics of management systems.Preparatory activities for linguistic and cultural preparation of selected participants will be organized, in order to ensure the quality implementation of the envisaged educational mobility. As a working language is defined English language. The preparational activities will make participants familiar with used working terminology, grammar and cultural preparation for introduction of Italian customs and traditions. Educational mobility in Italy will be for a period of 14 days. The program will be divided into seven days theoretical and seven days practical training. For the aims of the mobility, a trainer-mentor will be ensured by our Italian partner. The mentor will assist participants during their stay, will ensure the proper execution of the work program and will monitor and evaluate the development of the students. Also he will contribute for the issuance of certificates of educational mobility Europass mobility. The methodology of the training will be a training course and theoretical observation-practice within the partner organization and will end up with theoretical and practical exam.The main results which will be achieved is increased knowledge of our experts in terms of management systems, broadening their linguistic, cultural and social skills, as well as improved quality of trainings offered by the company. All results will be available and distributed through pictures, reports, presentations, knowledge and competence of our staff and certificates describing the acquired skills and qualifications.Impact of the project is to develop professional skills and motivation of the participants, increasing their linguistic, cultural and social skills acquired through supervision of the work environment in the partnering organization. Long-term benefits for the participants will be putting into practice of the new knowledge, passing on their experience to the trainees and increasing of the public awareness in the field of management systems. The impact of the project for TTB Ltd. will be improved quality of trainings we offer and improved competitive advantages. New opportunities for partnerships with other EU organizations for jointly implemented projects, as well as distribution of the benefits for investment in training as a key to the prosperity of each company and organization.

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