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Use your iNEETiative - practicing grass-root activities as a way to support social inclusion and active citizenship of young people in NEET situation.
Start date: Sep 14, 2015, End date: Apr 13, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Young people who are not in an employment, education or training situation (young people in a NEET situation) face negative social conditions, such as isolation, lack of autonomy, involvement in risky behaviour which expose them to higher risks of unemployment and social exclusion later in life. Social exclusion of young people, in particular young people in a NEET situation, can have negative consequences for the economy and significant costs for Europe. According to the research made by Eurofound ( the economic loss due to the disengagement of young people from the labour market is over 150 billion euro. Therefore, early and non-formal holistic interventions are needed. Based on these findings and conclusions our partnership of youth organisations from the UK, Lithuania, Turkey and Portugal undertook this multilateral youth exchange promoting social inclusion and active citizenship of young people in a NEET situation by empowering them to initiate, design and organize specific creative and innovative grass-root projects and activities for the communities they live in. There were 14 young people participating in the exchange were who were not in an employment, education or training situation and 2 group leaders from each participating organisation. The participants were able to improve their skills to initiate, design and organize specific creative and innovative grass-root projects and activities for the communities they lived in and to practice active participation in the labour market. The project was scheduled in such a way that they were able to communicate while creating drafts of their own projects. By finding something in common they strengthened their European links for further cooperation. The sending organisations supported them in realisation of these projects. We carried out this youth exchange because we believe that it is important for young people –as well as for the future of Europe – to be inspired to learn, to develop their talents, skills and attitudes towards themselves and towards the society.With this mobility project we also contributed to sustainability and innovation in international youth and volunteer work by raising skills and capacities of young people at risk and in a NEET situation to establish a support system for young activists-multipliers to realize their ideas in reality, improve international networking and cooperation in youth sector. To implement this plan we used non-formal education methods and activities (such as experiential learning, and community interaction). This included: workshops and discussion groups where the participants shared their ideas led by facilitators to bring home lots of valuable experiences and use them in their everyday life. These methods enabled the young people to fully participate in the learning process. Learning from experience was a fundamental pillar in the way of facilitating the project. The exchange focused on key aspects of non-formal education such as the participant-centred approach. The process was adapted to the participants’ needs and motivations as well as the group’s work rhythm. This youth exchange was aimed at implementing an inspiring, active and creative space for the development of new ideas and exploring possibilities for the young people.The working methods were based on informal and non-formal learning contributing to personal development of participants, and creating space for grass-root approach, innovation and creativity of participants. Moreover, the essential element of the methodology was based on the holistic nature of the non-formal learning experience, through methods that involved not only cognitive or intellectual approaches but also covered the emotional and attitudinal ones. The practical dimension of the project enabled participants to use skills and knowledge in practice – by developing specific, creative and grass-root ideas and by acting as multipliers in their realizations. Young people shared examples of their own volunteering stories, explored cultures and working realities with each other. They also developed ideas for joint projects on these issues. With the support of the facilitators they went through project management training step-by-step, working on specific and realistic ideas, which were initiated during the project and continued to grow afterwards with the support of partners involved and other local activists. Specific creative and innovative grass-root projects and forming of the new project teams were the main follow up of the exchange. The report team presented the documented content of the exchange to participants to disseminate it for their youth organisations in the form of presentations and follow up sessions. This empowerment of young people led to them being inspired, motivated and confident enough to be creative, to develop and to learn. This exchange brought confidence to NEETS young people.
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3 Partners Participants